Some common network topologies for Hydric Cloud networking (public cloud interaction with private on-premise environments)
I faced several client that need a new hybrid network between current on-premisses DataCenter with new Cloud environment. I this list I just want to sumarize some common topologies commonly used , as follows:
mirror each other. This topology could be used to set up test or disaster recovery environments.
can communicate with each other.
applications running in the cloud without exposing them to the public Internet.
applications running on premises without exposing them to the public Internet.
to a shared storage service, such as Cloud Storage, and then a service running in GCP
consumes and processes that data. This is commonly used with data warehousing and
analytic services.
Conclusion: Depending on the distribution of workloads, throughput and latency requirements, and topology, an architect may recommend one or more of three options supported previous chequed in the cloud selected to verify its support to the choosen topology.