Some of the Best Android Apps for Kids
Some of the Best Android apps for kids
In today’s times of mobile phones and tablets, our kids also like to use them they are using them more than we do. To make them use it for education and entertainment we should make our phone more user friendly for our kids. We can download some of the below given apps which will not only enrich our kids knowledge and make them more smart and intelligent and provide them much needed fun and excitement. All these apps are free and can be downloads from the Google Play store.
1. Children ABC—Numbers and Shapes
This is an excellent mobile app to make your child learn familiar with alphabets and numbers. Whenever your child will touch any number or alphabet on the touch screen, music will start playing which will attract the child to press it again and again, this way the child will learn about it. The other versions of the game are about various other things, animals, fruits, foods, and vehicles. The many versions of this app will make the child familiar with shapes, sounds and patterns.
2. Toddler Lock
This app will enable you to keep your phone safe from your little ones by keeping it locked while you kid is busy playing with shapes and sounds and learning different things all in fun way and that too without your fear of him accessing your various apps with this help you can also put your phone on airplane mode minimizing the exposure to radiation and its side effects and keeping your child safe and creatively occupied.
3. Kids Madagascar Puzzle
It’s a puzzle game based on the kid’s movie Madagascar. The kids would be lost in this game for hours together placing the right puzzle pieces in their right places and making the picture complete.
4. Dinorama
This is a game app where kids keeps dinosaurs in their own dinosaur’s theme park and do many things at the same time. It helps them learn multitasking skills and to manage many things at the same time. Although it’s a paid app, but parents need not worry much as the app allows to make in-app purchase as they are included in the price. It a very good game app for kids above 7 years of age.
It’s a fun filled educational game. In this game the kids can earn to make various things by joining the blocks together. It has various versions in which kids can learn to make different things like trucks etc and these games comes with various difficulty levels and once each level is completed, the payer earns coins as rewards. The difficulty level can be adjusted by the player.
6. Snail Bob
It’s an app that is mostly found in the all the mobile phones and it’s a very nice and simple game for kids which is very much liked even by grownups. The game is simple yet engaging.
7. Grimm’s Bookshelf
It’s a story telling app. It has a collection of numerous fairytales and stories for kids. It’s a paid app and can be downloaded from Google Play store just like any other app. This app would help to increase the concentration and imagination along with listening skills.
8. Math Workout Lite
This maths game is as interesting as it sounds. It helps kids to learn maths skills in a fun way. It has games based on various mathematical operations likes Addition, Subtractions, Division and multiplications. It has challenges like maths blaster challenge and world challenge and many more.
9. Temple Run
Although it’s a game designed for kids, it is now a day’s enjoyed by people of all ages. Its craze can be found across all age groups. In this game the player selects an animated figure for himself and has to run and jump to evade the traps and to collect the treasures. It’s a very interesting and addictive game.
10. Blossom blast Saga
It’s a game about and adventurous and beautiful bee called blossom. It wonders near and far from her home in search of new adventures. To travel to various places she needs nectar from flowers, so the player has to help the bee in collecting more nectar by blooming more and more flowers in the garden. It a very beautiful game and is a delight for the player with beautiful blooming buds and colourful flowers.