Some Believe I'm An Apostate

Some Believe I'm An Apostate

Yes, another cold and windy day came and went, and it looks like another repeat of it tomorrow. Couldn't help smiling when for the shortest time, seeing those exceptionally large snow flakes falling to the ground and disappearing about as quickly as they landed.

Once the hour of eight arrived, I had to run over to a store and purchase an anniversary card for a relative of mine. One of his family members sent an invitation to me some weeks ago, so I figured I'd at least make an appearance at the gathering place which was to begin at Noon today, and located in a large cabin located on Worth County Lake which is nothing more than an abandoned limestone quarry which filled up with water.

I did go to the extra lengths of having an old photo blown up and set in a matted frame of him and his two older siblings which I happened have in my possession. I was a little bit anxious over giving it to him, and only because his immediate family became fractured just as mine did after the death of our remaining parents. Like I've said before, it happens in families far more often than anyone can imagine, and only be nobody wants to talk about their shameful acts.

My mid-morning scheduled appointment, was to show several rental units to the most delightful young man who's re-locating to our area. The moment he got out of his vehicle, I could've sworn he was a doppelganger of a past tenant of mine who lived in a rental for about five years until he was promoted and transferred to another company facility. What I appreciated about him the most, was his straight forwardness, along with his thanking me for going the extra mile with explaining the pros and cons of the two units I was showing him, and as I suspected, the second unit was far more in-line with his needs, so I asked him if it was the one he wanted, which was a definite, "Yes".

Since the final decision rested on the owner, I grabbed my cell phone and placed the call, and fortunately he answered. I proceeded to give him the run-down on the tenant's qualifications, along with saying, "If I had a unit available right now which would fit his needs, I would steal him from you." Of course after my having said that, his response was, "Well, if that's how highly you're placed him, then I'll give you the go-ahead." I could tell the young gentleman was relieved to hear he got what he wanted, so I directed him to follow me back to office, and put a deposit down. After all was said and done, I now have an appointment for next Saturday with him to sign the lease, pay May's rent, and start moving in. I couldn't help saying while he was walking out, "Gosh, I wish I could clone you and sprinkle you around Mason City." Yes, that's how impressed I was with him.

After he left, it was nearing the time for me to head in the direction of Northwood, just so I'd be there before that surprise party began, but unfortunately, I turned off too soon and hand to back-track and drive one more mile farther north, and because of that mistake, I'll never forget that 450th St. is the turn-off for Worth County Lake's recreation area. While getting myself turned-around, I happened to drive by a homestead where there were chickens, ducks and geese out near the fence-line, and staring at me as those I was an alien to their world. Too funny.

When I got there, I proceeded to hand that large plate of sweets I'd made, along with that framed picture of my three cousins, along with the card I'd purchased. Oh my goodness! When the daughter saw that photo of her father who was likely three or four years old at the time, she was overcome with delight to where she placed it upright on a table for all to see, and not a few minutes afterwards, my cousin and wife arrived, so I sort of hid myself in the crowd until it was the right moment for me to go up behind him and give him a nudge, and when he turned around and saw who it was, his whole face beamed with joy. Of course I had to take him and his wife by hand and lead them over to that photo, and only because I had to make sure there wouldn't be any negative reactions, and thank goodness there were none, other than a welled-up tear in his eye. After getting a good look at it, he then whispered, "The last time I saw this photo, was when it was sitting atop my mother's piano." Thank goodness it was very well received.

I absolutely could not believe how their children went all-out on the food and decorations which was more reminiscent of a grand wedding dinner, but all prepared by their family instead of being catered. I was only there for two hours, and since I left at two, and to continue until five, there's no doubt in my mind, there must've been altogether, well over a hundred people in attendance. Truth be told, I actually had a very good time while there, and glad I made the choice to go.

After putzing around the office for about an hour, I decided to attend a Saturday afternoon Service over at a church I used to attend on a regular basis, and only because today happened to be the seventh anniversary of a near and dear one's death, and being she was a member there, I thought it only right for me to make an appearance, just as a gesture in her memory, even though some believe I'm an apostate. I arrived about fifteen minutes early, just so I could pray and reflect on the life of my near and dear one.

The bits and pieces of emotions, sights and sounds I experienced while there, left me all the more sad because the essence of that house of God had changed since she was alive. Their gothic lantern-lights have been replaced by overly-bright florescent ones which made everything almost mannequin-like, the piano music was too modern, and the readings and homily was lacking, and only because they didn't contain 'soul-feelings'. While driving home, I came to the conclusion my dear one wasn't in that church, but still here, which gave comfort to the permanent scar on my heart, which is all that remains from that big hole which her passing created. Yes, I thank God she still lives within.

Tonight's One-liner is: Great grief does not of itself, put and end to itself.

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