Some basic knowledge of sterilizer
Guangzhou MeCan Medical Limited
X-ray Manufacturer and Ideal Supplier for Providing More Than 5,000 Hospitals with One-Stop Solutions
Difference Between Sterilization and Disinfection
Classification of Sterilizers:
Commonly used sterilization methods are divided into high-temperature sterilization and low-temperature sterilization.
·Scope of application of high-pressure steam sterilizer:
Applicable: Sterilize items that can withstand pressure steam, such as surgical instruments, dental instruments, dressings, glassware, injection instruments, and liquids.
Not applicable: Needles, oils, powders, and waxes should not be sterilized at high temperatures; Endoscopes are more expensive, and are easily damaged by high temperatures, shortening their lifespan. Physiological saline is sterilized by autoclaving, but it is necessary to ensure that the plastic bottle is resistant to high temperatures.
·Autoclave Classification
Divided into: pulsating vacuum sterilizer and lower exhaust (non-pulsating vacuum) sterilizer. Sterilize items using high-temperature, high-pressure steam.
Dental sterilizers, usually belong to the category of pulsating vacuum sterilizers. In fact, dental sterilizers are not only suitable for dental instruments, but are also universal for other surgical instruments, only with a small volume.
To learn more about dental sterilizers, watch this video:
2. Sort by style
According to the style and size, they are divided into portable autoclaves, vertical pressure steam sterilizers, horizontal autoclaves, etc.
· Low-temperature sterilization - Ethylene oxide sterilizer:
Ethylene Oxide (ETO)
①Colorless gas, condensed into a flowing gas at low temperature, easily soluble in water, ethanol, ether and most organic solvents, the steam is flammable and explosive.
②ETO is generally non-corrosive to metals and does not leave any odour after contact with objects.
③ ETO vapour (in its non-liquid state) is flammable and explosive when its concentration in air reaches 3% or more. For this reason, in sterilizers, ETO is usually mixed with inert gases to eliminate its flammability.
√ It is mainly used for sterilizing medical devices and other products that are not resistant to high temperatures or hot and humid materials, but are resistant to the sterilizer substance.
× Not suitable for liquid sterilization.
Range of applications:
Endoscopy: thoracoscopy, laparoscopy, laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy, oesophagoscopy, proctoscopy, cystoscopy, urethroscopy, esophagus, fiberscope, decubitus fiberoptic endoscope, colon fiberoptic endoscope, vascular fiberoptic endoscope, etc.
Plastic and rubber products: gloves, finger covers, injection needles, syringes, blood collection devices, infusion devices, blood transfusion devices, urine collection bags,test tubes, ventricular catheters, intravenous catheters, vascular catheters, cardiac catheters, various drainage tubes, hoses, sponges, liners, etc.
Instruments and equipment: surgical instruments, medical drills, chainsaws, bone saws, bone plates, automatic sutures, various sutures, suture needles, electric knife head, argon cutting head, artificial esophagus, artificial bone, artificial heart flap, artificial blood vessel, artificial lung circuit, cardiac pacemaker, pacemaker electrode, lead pacemakers, pacemaker electrodes, drainage devices, etc.
Anesthesia equipment: tracheal tube, nasal cannula, tracheotomy cannula, ventilator threaded tube, intravenous pressure measuring tube, extracorporeal circulation perfusion, injection tubes, oxygen masks, bags for threaded tube anesthesia, closed circulation circuits, artificial respiratory components, etc.
Cotton and fiber products and others: clothing, gauze, bandages, cotton balls, skimmer balls, books, letters, medical record cards, medical record files, surgical gowns, surgical caps, brushes, etc.
Surgical gowns, surgical caps, brushes, bedding, pillowcases, bedding, etc.
· Low-temperature sterilization - Hydrogen peroxide plasma steriliser:
Hydrogen peroxide: The principle of operation is that the vapourised hydrogen peroxide acts on the items in the sterilization chamber to denature the microbial proteins and genetic material, resulting in the death of the microorganism. If equipped with a plasma generator, the vapourised hydrogen peroxide can be used to form a hydrogen peroxide plasma state, combining hydrogen peroxide gas and hydrogen peroxide plasma to sterilize items in the sterilization chamber at low temperatures.
It is resistant to negative vacuum pressure and hydrogen peroxide gas and to sterilization of instruments sensitive to high temperatures. Not suitable for sterilization of powder, oil, liquid and cotton instruments.
◎ Items not suitable for sterilization, the following items:
???※Moisture absorbing materials (wooden instruments, cotton fabrics, gauze and other cellulosic-made items).
???※Disposable instruments (disposable waterproof fabrics, disposable surgical gowns)
???※Liquids, pastes, oils and powders
???※Items that are not completely dry
???※Internal cavity closed at one end
???※Instruments that cannot withstand vacuum pressure
???※Instruments labeled as sterilised by pressure steam or ethylene oxide only
???※Instruments with complex internal components that are difficult to clean, such as sealed bearings
???※Items with nylon surface
???※Soft endoscopes that are aged, have torn surfaces or are of uncertain material
Points to note:
The concentration of hydrogen peroxide solution is 58%, flammable and explosive, should be kept away from fire and heat sources storage room temperature should not exceed 30 degrees, to add to the machine need to wear latex gloves, eye protection, etc., do not splash on the skin and eyes, such as splashed on the skin with a lot of water to clean, serious cases to seek medical attention. Gloves should be worn when picking up the item lock to prevent injury to hands from ungassed or residual hydrogen peroxide.
Sterilisation packs should only be laid flat, not stacked, and should not exceed 80% of the volume. It will affect the penetration of the plasma.
Plasma replacement pump oil and cartridge, purchase your own.
A simple comparison of sterilization methods
The above are some basic knowledge about sterilizers compiled by Guangzhou MeCan Medical. We hope you will find it useful and we welcome comments from all walks of life about sterilizers.
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