Some articles and blog posts I've enjoyed writing, about topics I'm passionate about.

Some articles and blog posts I've enjoyed writing, about topics I'm passionate about.

Hello LinkedIn!

I've always loved writing and in the past few years I've started a blog, and also started writing for a variety of online magazines and blogs.

My aim was to provide informative and accessible information to colleagues and the general public, about a variety of topics, starting with self-care and mental health. It has just grown from there!

I've compiled them (up to December 2019, I'll be updating this regularly so if you are seeing this post after February 5th 2020 (the day I'm publishing this article), you'll find more articles in the webpage.

I've written on topics ranging from self-care, to supervision, to mental health and learning disabilities, as well as marketing and content creation. All topics which I'm passionate about.

I've had positive feedback on all of these, and if it hasn't been positive it has been constructive and has helped me grow and improve my writing and offering.

If you're interested in Self-Care, I've also written a book. The idea came from my first blog series on "looking after yourself", which I wrote back in 2017.

It's a practical guide with key reflection points on how to set boundaries and meet your needs, with the aim of improving your life and relationships.

I'll leave the links to my book page, articles page as well as my blogsite, where you'll find even more on my favourite topics to blog about: autism, supervision, therapy and mental health, self-care, relationships, and more!

Do feel free to share this article, and any of the articles or blog posts you find helpful. You never know who you're going to be helping with them!

Guest Articles

Insights...from the desk of Karin Brauner


