Some Amazing Facts About GREAT BENIN from the last 2,054 Years
Some Kings of Benin Kingdom: past and present

Some Amazing Facts About GREAT BENIN from the last 2,054 Years

They told us about their legends: Alexander the Great, Eric the Red, King Arthur, Genghis Khan…Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire…we swallowed them.

This is one of our many African Legends…you don’t have to believe or agree with it, Just swallow it.

We have to tell the world how mighty Africans are.

Great Benin

Great Benin is known as the cradle of Black civilization and the centre of the world (Edorisiagbon). The progenitor of the Benin race is known by the earliest Benin oral documentary as “PA IDU”.

Igodomigodo was the former name for what we now call “Edo land”. The word Benin was corrupted from Ubini by the Portuguese explorer meaning “a place of heavenly pageantry and prosperity”.

The City

The Portuguese were the people who called the land “Great City of Benin” because they were astonished with what they saw, that the Edo people achieved centuries before any major cities in the world.

In 1691, the Portuguese ship captain, Lourenco Pinto observed:

“Great Benin, where the king resides, is larger than Lisbon; all the streets run straight and as far as the eyes can see."

A 17th-century Dutch engraving from Olfert Dapper's Nauwkeurige Beschrijvinge der Afrikaansche Gewesten, published in Amsterdam in 1668 says:

"The king's palace or court is a square, and is as large as the town of Haarlem and entirely surrounded by a special wall, like that which encircles the town. It is divided into many magnificent palaces, houses, and apartments of the courtiers, and comprises beautiful and long square galleries, about as large as the Exchange at Amsterdam, but one larger than another, resting on wooden pillars, from top to bottom covered with cast copper, on which are engraved the pictures of their war exploits and battles..."

Prior to present day civilization/infrastructural developments, ten gates/ roads historically led into Benin City. They are: Akpakpava (Ikpoba) Road, Irhuase (Ogba) Road, Imose(Sapele) Road, Okhoro Road, Ughoton Road, Udo Road, Ugbor Road, Uhunmwun Idunmwun Road, Uselu (Oyesunu) Road and Utantan (Esokponba) Road. 

In ancient times there were no doors in Great Benin because it was so secure that the people didn’t bother about doors and windows.

The Great Wall

Benin City was surrounded by a massive wall dug by Oba Oguola in 13th century and Oba Ewuare I in the 15th century.

The walls were built of a ditch and dike structure; the ditch dug to form an inner ditch with the excavated earth used to form the exterior rampart.

According to the Guinness Book of Records (1974 edition), the wall of Benin City and its surrounding kingdom as the world’s largest earthworks carried out prior to the mechanical era.

Fred Pearce wrote in New Scientist: “They extend for some 160 km in all, in a mosaic of more than 500 interconnected settlement boundaries. They cover 2,510 sq. miles (6,500 square kilometres) and were all dug by the Edo people. In all, they are four times longer than the Great Wall of China, and consumed a hundred times more material than the Great Pyramid of Cheops. They took an estimated 150 million hours of digging to construct, and are perhaps the largest single archaeological phenomenon on the planet.”

Kings and Queens

One of the oldest surviving kingdoms in the world is great Benin kingdom and is 2054 years old. The Ogiso dynasty lasted for about 854 years plus an interregnum of 285 years between the reign of Ogiso Orire and Ogiso Odia, there was an interregnum of 70 years between Ogiso Owodo and Oba Oranmiyan plus 845 years of Oba rulership till date.

Great Benin kingdom has been ruled by 71 kings (documented) and 21 kings (undocumented) and two documented administrators (Evian and Agho Obaseki) and about 12 undocumented administrators.

"The King of Benin can in a single day make 20,000 men ready for war, and, if need be, 180, 000, and because of this he has great influence among all the surrounding peoples … His authority stretches over many cities, towns and villages. There is no King thereabouts who, in the possession of so many beautiful cities and towns, in his capital" – Olfert Dapper, description of Africa, 1668.

In the golden age, Oba Ewuare I changed Benin into a city states from a military fortress built by Ogiso.

Oba Orhogbua was the first literate king ever recorded in the present day West-Africa. He founded Lagos and planted a dukedom, the Obaship of Lagos (Eko).

Oba Orhogbua introduced the common salt from his numerous voyage to Benin Cuisine in replacement of our traditional organic salt (Obu) and he was the first Sailor king in the present day West-Africa.

They were five fighting Empire building Obas of Benin, Oba Ewuare I, Oba Ozolua, Oba Esigie, Oba Orhogbua and Oba Ehengbuda N’Obo.

Oba Ehengbuda was the last Oba of Benin to lead the Benin armies physically in battle.

Ogiso Odoligie and Oba Esigie were regarded as the redeemer kings because of their pre-ordination by God.

Ogiso Orriagba created the college (council) of the hereditary Uzama Chiefs.

Two kings were installed without a crown, Ogiso Igodo (40BC-16AD) and Oba Oranmiyan (Odolorre) 1170 -1200AD.

The Oba with the shortest reign in Great Benin kingdom was Oba Ezoti (14 days) 1473-1473AD while the Oba with the longest reign in Great Benin Kingdom was Oba Akengbuda (54 years) 1750 -1804AD.

They are three usurpers to the revered Benin throne, Oba Uwaifiokun (1430-1440), Oba Ozuere (1712-713) and Oba Ogbebo (1816-1816).

The oldest crown prince (prince Osifo) to become an Oba of great Benin was later crowned as Oba Obanosa. Oba Akengbuda relocated from the palace to Ogbe N’Alaka to pave way for his son, crown prince Osifo (Oba Obanosa) to become an Oba i.e two Oba’s in one kingdom (Benin).

Oba Akengboi kept his hair like a Rastafarian. Dreadlocks till this day is called Agbihiagha.

Oba Ahenkpaye was dethroned because of his selfishness and ruthlessness by chiefs of Benin Kingdom.

Oba Esigie created the school of astrology (Iwoki) and was the first man to speak a foreign language, (Portuguese) in Nigeria in the year 1518AD.

Queen Idia (Oba Esigie mother) is the first Oba’s mother to be alive to see her son becoming an Oba. That’s because traditionally previous Crown prince mothers were killed before their Sons ascend the throne.

Oba Ewuare I conquered more than 201 towns and villages during his reign. This remarkable feat earned him the title Ewuare Ogidigan (Ewuare the great).

Since Oba Ewedo relocated the palace from Usama to Ogbe only four Oba’s were not buried at Ogbe. Hence “Aiguoba vbie Ogbe” (no one sleep at ogbe except the oba)

Agbodo mystically was buried at ogbe (he is the only man to ever achieve that feat after Oba Udagbedo enacted a law of nobody aside the Oba can be interred at Ogbe quarter)

Oba Ahenzae is the youngest Oba to be crowned Between Oba Ahenzae and Oba Ewuakpe the Oba-ship was rotated amongst different branches of the royal family for six reigns.

Oba Akenzua I is the richest monarch that ever ruled in Benin kingdom. Hence nicknamed Akenzua N’Isonorho (Akenzua, the money raining sky).

Oba Ewuakpe enforced the primogeniture Law in Benin Empire, called the Atoro oath. N.B: primogeniture had started during Ogiso Orriagba but was not consistent The 39 Obas in second dynasty all ruled averagely in 22 years (excluding the present Monarch)

Ogiso Igodo or Obagodo is the oldest king that has ever ruled Benin Kingdom across the two dynasties, he reigned for 56 years.

The 31 Ogiso’s in the first dynasty all ruled in average of 28 years (excluding the 285 years of interregnum).

Prince Akennuzama rejected to be crowned as Oba of Benin instead asked the elders to crown his son Idova in his place because of his old age. Prince Idova was crowned as Oba Ewuakpe.

No Queen has ever ruled Benin kingdom across the two dynasties, the purported female Ogiso Emose (584-600AD) and Orrorro (600-618AD) were male kings on coronation, took over their mother’s name.

Oba Esigie is the first King in Africa to be baptized in the year 1504AD in Benin.

Oba Ozolua N’Ibaromi was the father of Alani of Idoani, Olowo of Owo, Uguan of Ora and Eze of Aboh.

Oba Esigie created the title of Iyoba nu’Uselu (Queen Mother of Uselu).

The first Edaiken of Uselu is Crown prince Kuobuyuwa, son of Oba Ewuare I.

Landmarks and Achievements

The first palace in Benin Kingdom was located at Ugbekun quarters built by Ogiso Igodo in about 40-42BC.

The last Ogiso palace was located in the present day Ring-Road where the National museum is sited and it

was called “Ogbe Ogiso” The present palace has been burnt down three times by Prince Ogun who later became Oba Ewuare I, Oba Ogbebo and lastly the British military fiasco.

The First Storey Building in Nigeria was built at Ughoton by the Dutch in the year 1718, and it was called “The Factory”. The said building was destroyed by the British during the war against the Benins in 1897. The site of the building is still intact.

The Oldest Church in West-Africa was established in Great Benin Empire by the Earliest Portuguese missionaries in the 16th Century which is today known as the Holy Aruosa (Benin National Church). Pope Pius XII visited Benin and handed the church to the Oba of Benin, Oba Oreoghene in 1692AD.

Oldest ever recorded market in Africa is Ogiso (Agbado) Market dated 60BCE.

The first ever recorded bank (Owigho) in present day West-Africa was built in Benin kingdom by Oba Eresoyen, construction started in the year 1740AD and was completed in the year 1743AD.


The first Known Embassy Established in Nigeria was in Benin by Portugal during the reign of Oba Esigie in the 16th century. Alfonzo D. Aveiro was the first ambassador from Europe to Benin and first in Nigeria. Ohen Okun, Olokun priest of Ughoton is the first known Diplomat of Nigeria origin to Europe, who was sent as a Benin ambassador by Oba Esigie in the year 1526AD, hence the first man to be exposed to western education.

The oldest known letter written in Nigeria was by Duarte Pires instructed by Oba Esigie which was addressed to King John II, on the 20th October, 1516AD. The second oldest letter was written by Anthonio Domingo (Great-grand Son of Oba Olua) to the Pope to seek for missionary assistance in other to spread Christianity in Benin Empire in 1652AD. Olu Atuwatse (Dom Domingo) Son of Crown Prince Ginuwa and grand Son of Oba Olua who was sent to Portugal in 1601 for advanced studies by his Grandfather, the reigning Oba. He graduated from the University of Coimbra in 1611. He is the first person to obtain a European university degree in present day Nigeria. He later married the daughter of a Portuguese noble, Dona Feirs. Their son Antonio Domingo referred to in Benin History as the Golden Skinned king, succeeded him to the throne in 1643.


Elaba is the only Chieftaincy title in Benin Kingdom in whose presence the Oba’s Sword bearer (Omada) would ceremonially hold the Oba’s symbol of Authority(Ada) upside down.

Ezomo is the last amongst the Uzama N’ihinron that was made hereditary by Oba Akenzua I.

Chief Ogiamien is one of the Uzama N’Ibie (Uzama Minor), the council was created by Oba Esigie.

The word Okoro means prince in Benin and Uvbi as princess.

Iyase, Esogban, Eson and Osuma are referred to as the four Cardinal chiefs (Eghaevbo N’ore).

Influence and Conquest

Isi Aghadahomen, corrupted as Dahommey was a name of Esan General who led Benin warriors to conquer present day republic of Benin. The country was named in 1975 after Great Benin Kingdom to appease the large number of ethnic groups which formed part of the relatively new modern state. The name “the Bight of Benin” gained its name from Benin empire.

Oduduwa was the exiled crowned prince of Benin known as Ekaladerhan.

Ekpeye, Ogba and Iwurhuohna people of River State are children of Akalaka a Benin warrior that migrated from Benin to found their present location during Oba Ewuare I reign.

Onitcha town was founded by Benin royal house who migrated during Oba Esigie reign.

Ga tribe of present day Ghana migrated from Benin during Oba Udagbedo reign (1299-1334).

The monarch of Warri kingdom is an off shoot of the royal house of Benin kingdom founded by prince Iginuwa the Son of Oba Olua in the 15th century.

The Osemawe of Ondo was corrupted from Osemwughe, the Benin warrior who deserted Udo town, when there was war between Benin City and Udo town.

The word Ondo was corrupted from the town “Emwan N’Udo” (people of Udo town)

The world most famous mask Queen Idia mask was the face of FESTAC 77’ held in Lagos.

The Benins are the best bronze casters (Igun – eronmwon) in the world.

The Benin were the first to use sophisticated weapons (guns) to fight war (Idah war) in the present day Nigeria in about 501 years ago (August, 1516), the war was led by Oba Esigiemother (Queen Idia).

All Oba’s in Lagos (Eko) were all buried in their ancestral home (Benin City) until late 19th century, to further lay credence to that Oba Osemwende in 1834 instructed Idewu Ojulari, the Oba of Lagos to zegbele (kill himself) the instruction was, expectedly, complied with. The Lagos Oba complied by taking poison.

Source: Institute for Benin Studies

Contributors: Mr. Aiko Obobaifo, Osazee Amas-Edobor, Nathaniel Akenuwa and Oghoyemwen Joan. E.

Oba gha tokpere… Ise.

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Leslie Kojo Christian

former Ambassador to the United Nations

5 年

Please people, Do not for once believe anything you read here. They are full of lies, distorted and misplaced historical fact. History will hold you accountable for this gross intentional dark history which you know nothing about.? I have spent 13years studying the histories of the Benin Kingdom. Some of the things you wrote are almost correct but for the sake of the gross inaccuracy, omission and fallacy in this script the whole work is nothing but misleading and invalid.

Rolland Deugoue Chuwanga

Operations Management/Specialist, Supply Chain Management, Junior Project Management.

5 年

Thanks,we want more of African History.

Samuel Oboh

Food Safety Quality Assurance/ ISO 22000:2005 Internal Auditor/ Pharma GMP Consultant/ Microbiologist/ HSE Consultant

7 年


Uwagbale Edward-Ekpu

Contributor at Quartz

7 年

We have an amazing history.

Abubakar Shehu

Director VAS, Gateway and Broadband sales at Globacom

7 年



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