Somatic Orientation
The direction in which we sleep plays a pivotal role at recharging our body for the next day. Sleep is a natural mean to rest and rejuvenate. It heals the mind and body. On average we sleep a third of our lives, and as such it is a major factor in how well we live and enjoy life.
According to ancient traditions like 'Vastu Shastra', the best direction to sleep in is toward the south. This theory is also supported by some recent research. This means that when you lie in bed, your head is pointed south, and your feet are pointed north. Also ensure that there is no beam over the bed. This both helps you to avoid the death position. It is also believed in 'Feng Shui' traditions to help prevent sleep disorders such as insomnia and make you less lethargic in everyday life.
To this end, most cemeteries do face east, although some older ones may not. When civilizations navigated directions using the position of the sun, it was much more challenging to determine true east, many didn't consider that the sun changed position every day. Thus, you'll notice some cemeteries don't face east.
Whereby, graves face west because it is believed that the dead would rise at dawn on Judgment Day, face the sunrise, and ascend into heaven. Whereas, the headstones inscription is on the side facing west, opposite the body so the visitors of the grave would not walk on the deceased, whom many thought is disrespectful.
The traditional Christian method of positioning the coffin or shroud covered body in the grave was to have the body with the head to the west, feet to the east. The body was placed face up. When it was not practical to use the west-east position for the grave, a north-south positioning was the next best option.
In Islam the sacred direction is towards Mecca, or more precisely, towards the 'Sacred Kaaba' in Mecca. Muslims face this direction in prayer and during various other ritual acts. The 'Qibla' is the direction Muslims face when praying toward the Kaaba in Mecca. The Qibla wall is the wall in a Mosque that faces Mecca.
Although early Mosques, or Masjids do not face Mecca as we moderns think they should is hardly surprising, because early Muslims some contend had no means to find the direction of Mecca accurately either, though they did this as best they could with the means at their disposal. As archaeology has found nearly all the earliest Mosques had their 'Mirhab' facing Jerusalem or Petra for some reason, none towards Mecca before the late 8th century.
The orientation of Christian Churches reflects the historically documented concepts that one should turn eastward to pray and the architectural and liturgical principle that Temples and Churches should be constructed facing east (often specified as equinoctial east). The east end is where the altar is placed, often within an apse. The fa?ade and main entrance are accordingly at the west end.
Synagogue architecture often follows styles in vogue at the place and time of construction. There is no set blueprint for Synagogues and the architectural shapes and interior designs of synagogues vary greatly. When synagogues are erected, they are built to face Jerusalem. The 'Mizrah' (literally, "East") is a plaque or other decorative wall hanging which is placed on the eastern wall of many homes of Jews in the Diaspora to the west of Israel, in order to mark the direction of Jerusalem towards which prayer is focused. Wherever possible, Synagogues face the city of Jerusalem.
Traditionally a Buddha image should face eastward. Sitting beneath the Bodhi Tree, Buddha meditated upon the rising Sun and reached enlightenment. Therefore his statue should always face east. ?Consequently, Temples should be oriented in that same direction. Yet in China and elsewhere, the actual orientation has been shown to vary according to the time of construction.
A Hindu Temple, or Mandir (also known as Koil or Kovil in Indian languages), is a house, seat and body of divinity for Hindus. It is a structure designed to bring human beings and gods together through worship, sacrifice, and devotion. The ideal Mandir direction in home is north-east…
Food for thought!