Solving “SwaggerUIBundle is not defined” Error in Express with Swagger.

Solving “SwaggerUIBundle is not defined” Error in Express with Swagger.

Let me walk through how to solve the common “Uncaught ReferenceError: SwaggerUIBundle is not defined at window.onload” error that coours when setting up Swagger documentation in an Express application, especially in a Turborepo Environment.

Understanding the Problem.

The main issue was that swagger-ui-express wasn’t properly serving the UI files, likely due to conflicts with the bundler (Webpack in this Turborepo setup). This resulted in a blank page with the error: “Uncaught ReferenceError: SwaggerUIBundle is not defined at window.onload”.

Solution Approach — Serve Swagger UI Locally

Instread of relying on “Swagger-ui-express”, I decided to :

  1. Download Swagger UI files directly to the project.
  2. Serve them as static files.
  3. Configure them to use our generated swagger specification.

Let me show you the implementation:

Step 1: Download Swagger UI Files

At first I will download the Swagger CSS, SwaggerUIBundle and other required files. for that :

Run the following commands in your project terminal to fetch the required Swagger UI files:

# Remove duplicate public folders if they exist                          
rm -rf /Users/vishal/Developer/PMS/PMS/apps/http/src/public

# Ensure the correct public folder exists
mkdir -p /Users/vishal/Developer/PMS/PMS/apps/http/public/swagger-ui

# Download Swagger UI files to the correct location
cd /Users/vishal/Developer/PMS/PMS/apps/http/public/swagger-ui

# Download required Swagger UI files
curl -O
curl -O
curl -O
curl -O
curl -O        

Step 2: Configure Express to Serve Swagger UI

Modify your index.ts file to serve Swagger UI from the local files instead of using swagger-ui-express.


import dotenv from 'dotenv';

import express from 'express';
import cookieParser from 'cookie-parser';
import path from 'path';
import { router } from './routes/v1';
import { config } from './config/config';
import { setupSwagger } from './config/swagger';

const app = express();

// Serve static files from the public directory
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));

// Serve Swagger UI files
app.use('/swagger-ui', express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../public/swagger-ui')));

// Setup Swagger

// API routes
app.use('/api/v1', router);

app.listen(config.get('port'), () => {
  console.log(`Server is running on port ${config.get('port')}`);
  console.log(`Swagger documentation available at https://localhost:${config.get('port')}/api-docs`);

Step 3: Generate Swagger Documentation

Modify your swagger.ts file to generate and serve the Swagger JSON file.


import { Express } from 'express';
import swaggerJsdoc from 'swagger-jsdoc';

const options = {
  definition: {
    openapi: '3.0.0',
    info: {
      title: 'PMS API Documentation',
      version: '1.0.0',
      description: 'Project Management System API Documentation',
    servers: [
        url: 'https://localhost:3000/api/v1',
    components: {
      securitySchemes: {
        bearerAuth: {
          type: 'http',
          scheme: 'bearer',
          bearerFormat: 'JWT',
    security: [
        bearerAuth: [],
  apis: ['./src/routes/**/*.ts'],

const swaggerSpec = swaggerJsdoc(options);

export const setupSwagger = (app: Express) => {
  // Serve swagger.json
  app.get('/api-docs/swagger.json', (_, res) => {
    res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');

  // Redirect /api-docs to the Swagger UI
  app.get('/api-docs', (_, res) => {

Step 4: Verify Your Swagger Documentation

  1. Start your Express server:

  • npm start

2. Open your browser and visit:

  • https://localhost:3000/api-docs

3. This should redirect you to https://localhost:3000/swagger-ui/, where your API documentation will be displayed.

also running the previous commands should should generate a swagger-output.json file in the root project directory.

Important : for proper generation of swagger-documentation openapi-spec for every route is must.

2. Serve them as static files

3. Configure them to use our generated swagger specification


