Solving the high school Murders/ Making more Money
Solving the High School murders / making more money and living better
Clearly we all need a world picture view of what is happening in this broken reality of ours. At department of good I publish "The Principles and Remedies of Peace and Violence" read it, send me an email. Basically, it shows that we are not having a national contest of ideas regarding anything,
We have no world picture inventory of this situation, and we are not asking the 330 M people to come up with ideas: The world is the school, and it seems that here we are all poor students with little or no support.
First: ask the Whiz Kids, the high school people that are high energy, eclectic, like many things, have a fast mind. Show them how to make money by computers automatically at home like 20% of us do, and leave them be, don't turn them into a concrete thinker's idea of a what a lifestyle design is: they just do not know. Present from both sides of the aisle: the creative clever way, and the more standard concrete way, which appears to plod to me, what about you?
And please, forget that happy thing. My dog Skippy can be happy all jumping around and wagging his tail: I need self-amazement or bust. My new t-shirt saying.
Creativity and Heart is our true legacy from the last 100 B people. The concrete thinkers may suspect this, and since they do not have it, fear it and suppress it.
After 30, the minds seem inadequate to solve problems out of their specific field and even then. They cannot think, so we must all think together in idea contests in order to hope to have a few thoughts. The process of thought, ideation montages, is explained at DGI.
At around this time, you might be saying to yourself: How does DGI know so much of what we don't know we don't know? Is the man a seer, a clear? Is the great thing about knowing everything knowing everything?
DGI replies: All you see are veneers of surface information. DGI and the whiz kids see a secondary layer of information: the patterns connnecting the information veneers. There is a third level, and you can be sure that I, I mean DGI, is there: the pattern of patterns. This is the whole enchilada. Your eyes deliver energy in and out and at four scales (you also have 7 senses): the general look, the up close look, the detailed look, and the far away look which detects components and patterns of patterns easier.
Making more money: The view from the second level shows that being in business is an emotion. Don't you find it curious that no list of your emotions or their use was given to you in high school? What if the shooters had been shown how to make their own money? Would they shoot then?
You make more money with up to 100 websites promoting your products and services (for me, writing and inventions, to fund my science, sports, and music: you need a life like this, maybe). From physics, I have met people that are just that: physicists and nothing else. And yet, they have some of the mechanics of thought in this fine science: why is it not used eclectically and collectively? They are psycho-politically prevented from outside the box thoughts. All must be politically correct, but not so for about 3% of us, we are free and have something to say! WE have found voice at DGI and here, in a collective.
Webistes: you find your own, for now I have my own website with PayPal, Amazon, iTunes, Etsy, Ebay and I plan to have others. The idea is that your job is now your SET UP and you add the real money which brings health and time for you and yours: recall that life is only about 80 years and the last 10 every 45 minutes it's breakfast again.
We should evaluate the shooters perhaps also as creative or concrete thinkers, this will give some clues; recall that nature takes all the roads and builds them too. Is it a dissatisfaction which can be remedied? How many of us, had things gone DIFFERENTLY, would be someone else with different motives, inhabiting the same body? The world and its contents affects all of us. We are one human race, each person has a personal culture.
There are only 9 catgegories of how money is made, universally, a growing list we publish at DGI, send yours. There are only 9 types of time interaction with those businesses, assuming you are still in set up mode, moving into your own businesses mode: assume all you have been told about business is a lie by the "good people" which is a common occurrence. Remember the "there is no Santa Claus" idea: well you should see my new red bike. Your job could go from 5 to 3 days, then you see how you feel: and you make more money than before! Healthier! Also, in your own business you can work a fun happy 24 hour day. Your full complement is mind, body, money machine, spirit (what's inside), social life (optional), special projects, and TIME which we don't notice; time is not what we think it is, and neither are we. All these areas can be uplifted, they are what need support: the good people withheld valuable information, they only gave you previous information from concrete thinker wells, nothing from the more imaginative: Intelligence multiplies abundance of opportunity, benefit, and service, and of general information: who writes like I do?
I discovered my creativity, and I do not know how. I became super creative, creativity everywhere, fluid intelligence perhaps creativity is the ability to see, and nothing more. They say it is the hardest thing, but if you only riff off the veneer stereotypical surfaces, you essentially know nothing, since the world jacks you around by your emotions and you, the self, seldom notices until too late. I am a run-away whiz kid who stayed with various activities, high energy, fun, and alive in all areas I chose that gave me a good feeling. I cry at acts of kindness, there are so few. I do science, sports, making money, and the drums by personal choice and Will: We can try to achieve Diamond Consciousness: an obdurate tenacity of will and imagination. Oh, let's face it, something in my brain buzzed and felt pleasure at those activities, they give me strength and sustain my passion. The ability to feel.
Cut your brain in half right now, a picture of it of course, but not up and down cut, as we usually see, but left to right, at eye-ear level. Remove the top half and look from above. What you see are your 7 smart fields and the connectors to encyclopedia of mechanisms. In front is Brodmann 10, chairman of the board. The Cerebellum (or "miniature brain) has your KINESTHETIC sports and body movement field, (from the front) on the left side we have three systems: Language, interpersonal, and intrapersonal smart fields. Right side, front to back: mathematics, Art, and spatial.
Money: so we have websites, about 10 to start (12 minutes a day or 5), we also have a book which I am writing and you can help: Compendium of skills that pay $40-400 per hour (tax preparation, for example), and gigs that pay $500-1500 per). Also in the DGI tools, not arsenal anymore for that was foolish. The book will be taken door to door free, the evolution starts here, we live our dreams and empower those of others with hearts as big as Spanish cauldrons. Is it possible that being a concrete thinker does not give the world the same presentation and stimulus as creativity does? Heart?
We have money tree technology: why were we not told this in grade 5? You start out with something you bought or had worth 200, you paid 100:
100-200-400-800-1600-3200-6400-12,800- 25,600 (8 jump money tree) How many money trees did you start 30 years ago? Would tending these gardens have stopped the shooters? Are they cracking because the world is presented concrete and very basic, and if emotions don't count, what's left? IQ is one thing, we are driven by EQ, why is this not talked about? I do since I am not psycho-politically restrained by anything. Everybody needs to be presented the clearest views (which I feel I have, and my friends Nietzche and Gibran got my back, they too read from the Book of Life, like Martin Luther King Jr. read from the book of social relations).
Well of course I am going to be house proud: why the stifling spiritual laryngitis? If we possess a truth, we should be shouting it from the highest mountain: so I sense that the concrete world prevents the creative world, first by mis-defining it, then immediately by marginalizing. Use the emotions in the more abstract imaginative world, and the heart, cooperate, turn on our idea factories and blend in the greatest game every played: The Search for Intelligent Life on Earth, where we build up an organism of imagination and heart: the new Art definition
Art is money too, I assure you. Most of you do not realize how much healthier American business is, and how we can create more time. Time is not what we think it is, and neither are we.
This is not Art! Artifact, that which was left behind, a type of record. By the sheer weight of events and the necessities of history, now you, me, and all of us are conscripted into the battle for civilization; battle? No! The Peace Cooperative for civilization which is The Synthetic Alliance.
We re-define art as the synthetic alliance of science, thinking, engineering, creative problem solving, and invention with fine arts, writing, film making and music (and throw in comedy as a late entry: those folks can think fast).
These are the panelists in the search for intelligent life on earth program. Go to department of good ideas. com and see the future today. There is an emotional abstract level (cannot localize it: it is an S-Wave from the inter-medium, the departure point of physical mathematics), which is supported by the concrete establishments once they are put into play with the Art Gets Aggressive (finally, at the end, like a Shakespearian actor entering late from the wings) movement.
We show 100 things like this: If 50 k people die from car accidents, plus 250 K are permanently disabled, and they each affect 3 people: 1.2 M a year really die. Why no contest? Silence. My entry puts the style design airbag outside the cars also. 100
End of introduction. Recapitulation: they got you by the emotions, nobody talks about it, but the manipulative know the way better, at least in part by passive-aggressive information denial. DGI goes door to door in all 32 metros with exactly that information, and much more, so the people in high school don't go crazy: they sense there is more, that much is being left out of the story.
To present to a metro door to door, which is about 10-20 neighborhoods, is to present to 4 neighborhoods with the writing "pass this on!" And paying the high school kids $40 to go door to door.
Money tree tech. Websites by the bushel. selections from book with $400 per hour skills, gigs that pay $1500, "create" them, or "evolve" them from what is now here, with cooperation. Creative persuits? Now in 2018 the artists are getting paid in the gofundme tradition at, go there and create! Get the book from my website: New General and Special Theory of personal economics: how to go from job to businesses and make more money and have more time.
Let me relax for a moment; that's long enough! If you have read between the lines, you may have developed a sense that I am somehow "stewing in my tomatoes" and sure enough. Why does any family or individual have to suffer? We get them the above information, and show how to put it in play, how to get emotional drive and support, make not a schedule for the week, but one for the strong! How to get hands-on support (hint: $40 you get pro help one hour, if an alcoholic, you get two hours for that, more if you give them a 12-pack, this I saw). For those that cannot quite execute, a community action group can help, and you can start one.
You will be projecting the recordings of your dreams before long....
Now, all my knowledge is transferable, which is why I wonder why nobody has much to say about UPLIFT OF THE INDIVIDUAL. Not the TV. Not the radio. Not the Media. Not online, certainly nobody presents both the concrete, what you can see and touch, feel its power, and the creative which flows like the river haden in Paradise: Creativity and new defined art is the new pleasure, for only 9.99. We must become oceans, which accept all rivers, Oceanic Feelings is the benefit of Enlightenment, what you cannot explain to others but experience directly (S-Waves up the ying yang) as an uplift of your life and enablement of your new powers to take action. I have shown how the money is a machine, since all nature makes are machines from raw materials, Nature being a machine, all around us is this Gigantic Connection Machine, and we the box people cannot yet operate it or recognize it. That makes us a machine (sorry about that: existence is not a given! Better luck next time! Keep trying!)
Why I am stewing in my tomatoes: Course we should all work for others if we have to, for awhile, it's called set-up: then you go go go into the super creativity of it all, you add to the given, the concrete thinking is foundation, from here we soar into the heights: We must, however, have dreams.
Or else what is the point? You can go from 5 days to 3, or use the business skills, but here finally why my tomatoes stew:
I have seen first hand what we all should know about, for you do not have to be genius to do what the genius does, evidence I turn on a light and I am not Edison. However, when I turn on my special lightbulb everything goes black.
1 Trade shows for the industry you sell for: costs you $15,000, but you make several fortunes in that week, you do 4,5 shows a year and it's fun.
2 Establish your own Dealer Network: what do you think I am doing? My products, books, and designs I try to make follow this formula: 100 accounts x $100 per account per month = more money than you can shake a stick at, and again, all the time is yours (are you catching on? The good people lied again when they said business takes all your time and money and usually fails: They cost almost nothing and take no time, only their set up, and they get you rich).
3 Vendor to corporations: directly can take 1,2 years, you meet them at a trade show, their reps looking to fulfill a project, BAM you have a dealer network selling your product, of you have a corporation with your product on a thousand shelves. Why were we not told this in grade 5, when we learn international business?
Are you getting any of this? Should we not all know this? It took me 50 years to become 25, and now I know there is also substantial EMOTION involved, that this is where we fall down, our emotional intelligence will forbid certain actions or behaviour which in fact would benefit us dramatically. This of course, is not a part of the reality that has been "suggested" to us.
I grew up in free Habana, Miami Beach, San Francisco, Detroit. I have been able to weave the thread of what I have seen, collected their pollen. How surprised am I that in Miami Beach we did not ALL possess the information I just gave you, since I thought the Jews knew how to make money, maybe not all. I have seen the best of what is offered and chose those things which give me a thrill: science, sports, making money, and playing drums. Something has come out in the last few years which is why I made the website department of good ideas: we should be IDEA SHARING while we work out how the brain works so we can better program ourselves. We know this much so far: we are photo cameras, taking pictures and recording sound simultaneously. Our purpose is to form photo archives in our lifetime, inside the pattern-analysis physics office, which constantly monitors our radio station (in there too) which scans for strengths of signal in mind, body, wallet, etc. using the lenses of the programming of the smart fields, their expression as to sensitivity to inputs.
disclaimer: of course, I could be totally wrong