Solving the Delayed Choice Experiment Paradox with Active Time Theory
Dr. Maher Abdelsamie
Founder of the Environmental Credit Score Foundation and YMEGY research and Development LLC | Human Rights Defender | Egyptian ????
The Delayed Choice Experiment (DCE), first introduced by John Wheeler, has been a cornerstone of quantum mechanics that continues to challenge our understanding of causality and time. In this experiment, particles (such as photons) seem to retroactively decide whether to behave like a wave or a particle, depending on a measurement made after they pass through the experimental apparatus. This mind-bending observation suggests that future choices (the type of measurement performed) can determine the particle’s past behavior, thus casting doubt on the classical understanding of time’s linear flow and causality.
To address this paradox, we explore the Active Time Theory (ATT). Unlike the conventional view, which treats time as a passive background, ATT reimagines time as an active agent that influences the evolution of physical systems. Time is not merely ticking along uniformly—it has distinct faculties that dynamically shape outcomes:
How Active Time Theory Solves the Delayed Choice Paradox
In the standard interpretation of the DCE, retrocausality is invoked—where the future measurement seemingly influences the particle’s past behavior. This paradox stems from the fact that the measurement occurs after the particle has passed through the system, yet it determines whether the particle exhibited wave-like or particle-like behavior.
Active Time Theory (ATT), however, resolves this paradox without requiring retrocausality. Here’s how:
Explore the Code and Results
I invite you to dive deeper into this exciting exploration of time and quantum mechanics. The simulation code implements Active Time Theory to show how time’s active faculties influence the outcome of the Delayed Choice Experiment, offering a resolution to its long-standing paradox.
Curious to see how it works? Explore the simulation code, and analyze the results by visiting the GitHub repository: