Solving the Communication Gap
How can you ensure that your instructions are clearly understood??
We are going to look at the confusion that you can sow in your team when you give unclear instructions. In our?Front Line Leadership Program, in the communications module, we do a little activity that I am going to recommend you try.
Communication Exercise?
How did you do? Below you will see a diagram that you can compare with what you wrote on the page.?
What you will probably notice is some of it might be right, but most of it is not. So, the issue is – how did I contribute to your confusion?
This result is partly because you were given instructions very rapidly, back-to-back, without any time to process. Sometimes that can happen in the workplace. Essentially, the leader becomes a “Spray and Pray” type of communicator.?
Below are a few tips for?communicating?and giving your instructions more clearly.
Number One: Repeat Key Details
Sometimes when you give an instruction, it can cause?confusion?because you have thought it out in your own mind. If you are hijacking someone mid-thought, you will need to get their attention first.?
When you do give an instruction, you may have to repeat it so that they hear it a second time, if they ignored it the first time. Always repeat the key details!
Number Two: Give Time to Process and Understand
Secondly, you need to give time to process and understand. When it was described earlier what to do with that diagram, the instructions were given very close together. This made it tough for you to know, “Oh, I have to process that instruction but wait, there is another instruction coming right behind it.”?
So be sure to give people time to process and understand.
Number Three: Allow for a Q&A Opportunity
Instead of just firing out information, maybe you have to give people the opportunity to ask questions and then answer those questions to make them more effective.
If you do those three things, chances are those instructions are going to be more clearly understood and complied with.
Eliminate Wasteful Energy
One of the things you can reflect on is how many times people have to come back to you to?clarify the things that you told them to do. Or how many times do they make an assumption and do what they think you told them to do, only to find out it really was not what you wanted??
We are trying to eliminate that wasteful energy.
Once you have figured out how to give clear instructions to your team, you are going to want to work on some of your other leadership skills. You can connect with us about our?Front Line Leadership Program, delivered on-site or virtually. It all starts with a conversation on our website at?