Solving Clients Problems Part III
Put people first.
Most of my license acquisition business revolves around film, television, animation and brands. Occasionally, my clients will request going out of the box and this was the case in a search for music artist rights. Fortunately, was ready for this by calling on past experiences in my music marketing background.
However, in research for licensing rights for specific artists, the usual licensing directory and social media were not a help.
Fortunately, I thought of an old, but close friend who was in the concert promotion industry and wrote to her. This was a friend who back in the day sent me Madonna's agent's number when working on a Pepsi poster promotion idea. My concert promoter friend responded within an hour and so was able to set up a meeting within 24 hours.
Yes, I was able to solve the immediate problem and like many consultants have thousands of contacts. My difference was that I kept in touch with people. Relationships are with friends and associates first, and business was an afterthought.
If you feel the same way of putting people first, would like to hear from you. You can find me on linked in or