Solve those cloud labs with us!
Most YouTubers advise "get hands-on"!
But how often have you got stuck following step-by-step labs at:
Sometimes there are steps missing. Email support usually are not a great help.
So let's make it easier on ourselves by collaborating!
When you're struggling with a lab, let's create a video of you (anonymously) making mistakes and debugging while others watch to give suggestions.
When you complete a step-by-step lab, let's record a video of how you did it while we provide additional commentary, before you forget the intricacies others should know.
I'm working on a website for you to easily choose lab videos from the labs.
Use of temporary instances means you have to redo all the steps on every attempt ... and run out of time.
Skip steps
So work with us to create and use automation scripts that emulate your mouse and keyboard so you can automatically skip steps you've already figured out. Run those instead of redoing every step over and over again.
But that's no the automation that enables you to work cloud like a pro.
IaC for the Win
Many companies have banned use of GUI (on which the labs are based) in production. They prefer that resources be created using automation -- IaC (Infrastructure as Code) stored in GitHub for collaboration and an audit trail of who made what changes.
Not just repeatability, most importantly, IaC enables vulnerabilities in configurations to be identified BEFORE the resources are created.
So your automation skills needs to include IaC such as Terraform, Bicep, Cloud Formation, Ansible to create and manage resources.
Connect with me to express your interest at:
// Wilson