Solutions within the Problem
Laith Qusus
Liaison Stakeholders and Relationships Manager/ Referrals CFH and Cash Services Manager at Terre des Hommes Italia
"Don't let what you can't do stop you from doing what you can do", maybe you will end up doing all you want to achieve! "when there is a will, there is a way", Even if times become harder, different perspectives become higher. Following are thoughts on areas to improve in times of crisis such as that of COVID19.
Tourism: In the time of crisis, there is time to do what there was no time to do before, maintenance of tourism facilities.
Education: TOTs for teachers to use technology, teaching students about research, homework, self- learning, an guideline lectures on practical/ problem solving thinking/approaches.
Theft and outlaws: linking humanitarian NGOs, the government sector, and the private sector, to increase volunteering activity in the time of crisis, and finding means of payment to young volunteers that lost their jobs in the crisis. Avoiding other problems.
Agriculture: Promote home- farming where ever possible, wells, home bases businesses.
Hotels: Some hotels can be used as semi - hospitals for ill people, or those suspected of being ill, that recently enter the country, this ALREADY happened in Jordan. Other hotels can function as delivery
Restaurants, forming agreements with transportation providers. Again all sectors must properly coordinate for the good of all. App innovations are needed in such times as well. awareness media campaigns on sustainable handyman functions can be in place, people can do their jobs in a safe function. There are always gaps to fill when there are people that need to be involved.
Thank you.