The Solution to your Problem is my Product !
Dr. Ravinder Varma
Brand Manager @ RiteBite Max Protein (ZYDUS Wellness) | IMPACT CMO 40 under 40 | Asia Food Congress: Top Most Food Industry Professional | Ph.D. | Author | Professor | Lawyer | Global Public Speaker | Film Maker
Confused ?
All the ambitious, intelligent people who aspire to become an entrepreneur should follow this one mantra to be successful in what you are doing. To start with, simply observe people around, you will gain lot of insights. This is my routine to simply observe people, probably you might get an idea for your business.
Life of a person is filled with problems, the products and services are here to give you that solution in return for a price. More the serious problem, more will be the product sold and more the profits and vice versa. I just walked into a mall yesterday to understand serious problems of customers which they solve right there by picking up the products.
Let's take a walk in the mall :
- Problem : You Sweat - Product as a solution : Deos / Perfume
- Problem : You are thirsty - Product as a solution : Bisleri / Qua
- Problem : Heart Patient - Product as a solution : Oats / Muesli
- Problem : Pimples - Product as a solution : Creams / Masks
- Problem : Safe Sex - Product as a solution : Condoms
- Problem : Hairy You - Product as a solution : Shaving Creams / Raisers
- Problem : Its Raining - Product as a solution : Umbrella
- Problem : You bai (maid) on leave - Product as a solution : Washing Machine / Roti Maker
- Problem : Bored at Home - Product as a solution : LCD / TV
- Problem : Trains too jammed - Product as a solution : Bikes / Cars
- Problem : Need Money - Product as a solution : Bank Loans
- Problem : Cant carry so much Cash - Product as a solution : Credit Cards
- Problem : Need to get in touch with friends - Product as a solution : Whats app / Wechat
- Problem : Difficulty speaking English - Product as a solution : English Coaching Classes
You just name it and our life is filled with problems. A true businessman just needs to find the right problem and further provide a solution to it. To be in the race, you just need not provide a solution but go beyond just simply providing a solution.
The current market situation is such that for 1 problem there are almost an average of 50 solutions. The only solution to provide solution to the problem of the people is innovation (ohhh too much of solution ).
Another Scenario ( For so many problems - give one solution - you will be the king in the market )
Let me explain this by example ( Buying a Car )
- Problem : Huge Family Solution : SUV or MUV
- Problem : Lot of Luggage Solution : Car with a huge space
- Problem : Safety for my children Solution : Car with an air bag
- Problem : Need Average Solution : Car which provides the best average in this category
- Problem : Looks should be good Solution : Car which fullfills all my requirement and at same time should look good.
- Problem : Long travel - need auto gears Solution: Car which has auto transmission
- & so on problems.... Provide single solution to all these problems and your car will be sold. :)
So here in this case, customer have so many problems, he will buy the car which provides solution to all his problems. A brand which is innovative enough to provide these solutions to the customer will be sold.
So here's the bottom line to start a business :
1. Find a Problem
2. Find other problems associated with the main problem
3. Find solution / solutions to this problems
4. Find out whether this problem is solved with this solution, if not X solution, then how about Y solution.
5. Find out, is this the best solution available in the market.
6. If yes, then what is the price the customer is ready to pay to get rid of their problem.
7. Once the customers problem is solved, take it on a bigger scale.
Final Note : Create a brand, where only your brand is remembered top of the mind when the problem arises in the customers life.
- Tooth & Gums Protection : Colgate
- Shaving : Gillette
- Bath Soap : Lux
- Water : Bisleri
- Energy Drink : Red Bull & so on...