" The Solution to your New year's Resolution"
Kevin Kearns
Wellness Transformational Coach | Keynote Speaker | Author | Corporate Wellness Consultant | Self Defense Instructor
" Your Solution to your Pre New Years Resolution " Lets do it now !!!
Its that time again. Yes well it's early !!! but so what . Start now When health club memberships sore and everyone wants the latest and greatness workout to lose those holiday pounds. The average person during the holiday season will gain 15lbs! between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. Now don’t get me wrong I love this time of the year . Why? It’s good for my business plus people have finally reached the tipping point and have started to G.O.Y.A ( Get OFF Your Ass) That’s right sometimes it takes a major event in their life or they get so disgusted with themselves them decided to finally call that trainer , or take that MMA Fitness class or start eating healthy. It happened to me in 2010 around October of that year. I went to a homopathetic Doc and realized how wrong I was eating . I was 182 and about 12 percent body fat with a 32 waste. In 6 weeks by changing my diet completely around , I went from 182 to 168 lbs. I went from 12 percent to around 8% and from a 32 inch waist to a 30 inch waist ! No BS ! I thought I would lose a lot my strength and on the contrary I feel better than ever. I have lost no strength at all and I feel great. Now you might think “ well coach where are you now ?” 166 lbs and about 7 % bodyfat. Not bad for approaching 50 , well in 3.5 years )
So now you ask how did you do it Coach ? Okay I will give you some of the keys that I try to instill in all my clients for the New Year. First lets go with the basics. You want to think of this really simple and use this if you would as your mantra . We call it the 2 C’s and the 3 D’s .
As one of my greatness mentors and teachers who just past on , Zig Ziglar, “ you need to get your mind right and everything falls into place”. He would also say “ Positive thinking never helped anything but it’s better than negative thinking.” Around this time of year we are truly hard on ourselves with how we look and act. This I believe has everything to do with how you feel about you. Who wants to train would they say “ I’m a fat ass!” My famous saying since 1990 has been “ You are not out of shape you are in a different shape then you want to be in.” Remember what Bruce Lee said “ Thoughts are things”. See yourself the way you want to be.
The leads to my next point , NO MORE EXCUSES ! That’s right . If you have not read Dr Wayne Dyer’s “ Excuses Be Gone” , I suggest you do . We all , including myself want to blame someone else for the way we look. It’s not your parents fault ! It’s not your genetics! It’s not your metabolism or the weather! And it’s certainly not your past! You can use blame all you want but it will not get you closer to getting in the shape that you wish , that you desire to be in ! Commit to be fit and move forward! Do not get stuck in the wake of your life! DR Wayne Dyer .
Next get a plan together of what type of training you want to do. You need to think of 4 simple concepts .
do I like this
is it fun
will it fit my lifestyle
is it convenient
I have seen many a program fail because people simple don’t like what they are doing. Who wants to sit on the “ gerballmill” all day watching the “ Boob Tube” ? Plus the “ Boob tube “ is all negative. As they say “ Garbage in Garbage out.”
Okay now I hope you got a handle on this idea and I have instill in your mind that your mind is the key to better health all around. The other components are
your programming
your eating plan
Your programming should be the following
In that programming we believe it should follow the 5 elements of fitness in every program model.
Level change
Your eating plan ( I don’t like the word diet because the first 3 letters are DIE ! which you do trying to eat healthy !) This is what I do daily .
Rotate my foods all of them
No yeast
No sugar
Equal portions of carbs and proteins with good fats
Water water water
When in doubt hire a professional such as a personal trainer or nutrition coach . They will help design a program that is best for you. If they don’t fired their ass! And find one that will. Remember it is up to you.
Coach Kearns ‘s regimen
Hot Yoga for 1.5 hours 2 to 4 days per week
Burn with Kearns intervals 3 to 5 days per week
1 to 2 days per week martial arts
plus I train 6 to 8 people per day which I’m holding pads for most of them which is a workout in itself.
2 days a week Versa Climber
if my time is limited I do something even if it’s 10 minutes of circuit training
write in my gratitudes for what I have in my life
work on my law of attraction journal
rotate my foods daily
mix it up and try something new
sample Burn With Kearns Program
Sunday – Versa Climber for 30 minutes 1 minute sprint 1 minute recovery for 10 sets
Burn With Kearns Hammer time 20 reps each 3 sets
Single leg Kettle bell dead lift 15 reps 3 sets
Kettle bell snatches alternating arms for 20 reps 3 sets
Purmotion Air Fit inverted rows for 20 reps 3 sets
Purmotion Air fit push ups one legged 20 reps 3 sets
Single arm chest press on stability ball 15 reps 3 sets
Bear fight for 20 reps with Renegade 20 reps 3 sets
One arm legged dumbbell rows with 20 reps 3 sets
Dumb bell Upper cuts 20 reps 3 sets
Bench dips feet on stability ball 20 reps
Stability ball crunches 50 reps straight and side to side
Stability ball roll outs 20 reps
Hamstring curls on suspension trainer 20 reps
Core hammer drills 20 reps each
Combat ropes 3 to 4 drills in 20 second bouts for 3 sets
Have fun with this ) It should be noted that I work from one exercise to the next with little or no rest. Hey what you want I have ADD in HD)
Now if you are a school owner and think “ I don’t have that type of equipment !” No problem. I can teach how to use what you have and don’t have to build a kick ass class that burns over 1000 calories in an hour ! We have had school owners drop 22 lbs in less than 2 months! You will no only get in great shape but your people will and attract a new market to your schools. The fitness and corporate market. Let me show you how.
Kevin Kearns aka “ Coach K “ Aka “ Dr. Evil” has worked with over 15 UFC. That list includes Kenny Florian, Marcus Davis, Jorge Gurgel, Alex Karalexis, Nate Quarry, Stephan Bonnar, Kurt Pellegrino, Alberto Crane, Din Tomas, Greg Rebello, Spencer Fisher, and alike . For more info he can be reached at 5084048503 or register online at www.burnwithkearns.com , [email protected]