A solution to the never-ending scrolling ditch
You can probably relate to the zombification of society: click, like share, scroll, click, like share, repeat.
The consumption loop is endless as long as your attention is. Your attention is the currency making creators rich - the people on the flip side of the coin.
Two sides of the same coin
Creators compete for your attention. Good or bad, they’ll create whatever you engage with.
It's easy to fall into the consuming loop. To break out of it, the solution is to consume less and create more.
Make the shift from consumer to creator
1. Quantity over Quality
Perfection comes with repetition.
Kate Volman, host of Create for no reason advises to create a little everyday, even if it's "bad" or "uninteresting". The key is to build step-by-step, and a little goes a long way.
For example, Jerry Uelsmann, professor of photography assigned two groups:
As a result, the Quantity group's photographs excelled compared to the Quality groups.
2. Start small, but start
There are two types of work:
Both are important, but relying too much on soft skills can turn into procrastination. Don’t wait until it’s perfect, instead launch before you're ready.
For example, if Apple had waited until it is as improved as it is today to release the iPhone, we probably wouldn't have the iPhone.
Take the first steps
Some Hard action you can take to get on the other side of the coin