The Solution to CRIME
I was going to wait and publish this inside of my next book, but I not only THINK, but I know people need to hear and read this RIGHT NOW! This article will appear in my next book. As we stand on the brink of another school year, parents, teachers, administrators, law enforcement personnel and other students enter this year with several questions as it relates to the school environment. After having worked in criminal justice system for over 24 years in various capacities, I would love to provide you with insight into the discovery of something better than the discovery of GOLD. Since we value the lives of our children more than GOLD itself because they are worth more than GOLD. Let’s enjoy the discovery of the Solution to Crime and let’s not only discover it, but let us all put our hands and minds together to put the Solution in MOTION.
For years I have seen all ages, all races, all nationalities enter the criminal justice system because they committed CRIMES. They all had something in common. What was it? I’m glad you asked that question. All the students who didn’t just stop at the contemplation stage of joining gangs, but they went ahead and did it. The same holds true to kids using drugs and doing everything other than being productive members of society. So why would someone commit a crime and risk spending the bulk of their adult life behind bars? What happened? Who oversaw the decision? Well here it is. The word CRIME is an act of Commission or Omission and is the composition of how a person THINKS and what ACTS or steps they take to carry out what they envisioned and thought of. Looking at what we just learned or what we already knew and are now taking another look, thus we have before you THE SOLUTION TO CRIME. The Solution to Crime is this: Change the way a person THINKS before they decide to ACT. Yes, self-arrest, per se of one’s mind is the conscious decision to stop the ACT of crime in the Mind or Thinking arena before it is acted out. When I was working in the courtroom down in Fulton County Courthouse, I would observe criminal proceedings daily and watch how both the prosecution and defense lawyers would examine, question witnesses and argue one thing, EVIDENCE. Evidence only exist after an action took place. If the action stayed inside of a person’s mind and not acted out upon, there is or was no CRIME committed. Only when what a person thought, said and did, it was there that it allowed or permitted the BIRTH of Evidence. No evidence; No case.
Now, knowing this, as it relates to CRIME and the Key to stopping it or put the Brakes on Crime itself, while at the same time saving would-be perpetrators from serving a whole lot of Time behind bars, this approach which I teach on at hundreds of schools across the country, would be helpful if all schools, districts adopted this SOLUTION. What would happen if they did? Let’s also look on the other side of the equation, what would happen if they didn’t? Are we really in control of what happens to us? To a degree, we are. This brings up two more interesting legal points of view: 1) negligence and 2) recklessness. Negligence is when something happened where we failed to know something. Recklessness occurs when something happens, and we knew better before it happened and permitted it to occur anyway. Today, we cannot afford to be either Negligible or Reckless. We need to be assertively proactive and address issues mentally before they take on a physical characteristic. Again, the Solution to Crime is the Change the way a person THINKS before they ACT it out or put it into Action. This concept works in every dimension and not just schools because even in business, if a person changes they way they THINK, it could positively impact the company's overall Bottomline. If you would like to invite me to come to your school, conference, retreat or even business meeting to teach this concept, I can be reached at: [email protected] or please visit my website at:
Take control of your thought and never allow your thoughts to take control of you. You are Success and I Am,
Corey P. Dunlap, World Class Speaker
President and CEO
(562) 27-EAGLE
“The EAGLE Only Lands, Just to Takeoff! Swooosh!!!!”
Corey P. Dunlap, WCS