The Solo Entrepreneur
Taking a chance on yourself and venturing out to start up something of and on your own can be both thrilling and scary. But if you’ve already made up your mind, do not lose faith; you are not alone in this. There are millions of others around the world who are solo entrepreneurs too.
There could be plenty of reasons as to why you’ve chosen this path in life. Maybe you’re not a team player. Maybe your previous boss was a a terrible one. Maybe you were not challenged enough. Whatever your reasons are, there are many benefits to being a solo entrepreneur.
Being your own boss
If you’ve ever had an issue with authority, riding solo means you are your own boss. You do not have anyone but yourself to answer to. This also means that whenever and whatever decisions need to be made, they can happen at your own pace. Consulting a friend or a past colleague for advice on something related to your own solo venture is understandable, but at the end of the day, your entrepreneurship will run and thrive and move forward based on your ideas, your decisions and your passion alone.
Drama free
Working in a communal office means having to deal with other persons and this could often lead to minor or major conflicts depending on various situations and circumstances. A solo entrepreneurship means your life will be drama free. You won’t have any conflicts inflicted upon yourself unless you have personal conflicts of interest in how to move forward. Basically, you’d have an argument free environment to work with.
More control
You will have 100% more control over your own start up. This means all the decision making, ideas and final execution will be up to you. On the adverse side, this could mean more stress upon yourself but as you are your own boss, do not be too hard on yourself. Give yourself the freedom to control how your start up functions; as slow paced or as fast paced as you’d like. Allow it to grow as you’d like. If the pace is adding a great deal of stress, take it slow. Slow thing down, even take a break if you must. Control it however you see fit.
More profit
Who doesn’t love to keep all the profit to yourself? When working solo, especially on your own start up, everything that bears fruit is all yours for the keeping. The pay off of all the late nights, constant decision making, evaluation, ideas coming to life and finally the benefits of it all will be entirely yours and there is nothing more satisfying for a solo entrepreneur. Having profits means you’re doing something right and that whatever start up it may be, that it is worth the while.
Carrying a heavy workload on a solo basis and finding new perspectives or inspiration can be a bit of struggle along the way. There’s no doubt that you’d come across a few bumps and hurdles; this is normal for any entrepreneur. The idea is to keep thriving for what drives your passion. No workload, amount of stress or lack of perspective on an occasional bout can take away the satisfaction at the end of the day so keep going even when the going gets rough. Again, remember that you are somehow not alone in this solo journey.