Of solitude and door aesthetics
The door is usually a lonely structure that holds so much yet is abandoned for the most part. The door holds so many secrets that if it were to open up, then most of us would want it shut immediately. There are those actions that only those behind closed doors know and will admit to doing. For instance a couple that is in an abusive relationship, to the outside world they are perfect, yet only the two of them and maybe the children know what is going on. This is so true in the African culture where you are not supposed to shout to the world your private issues, dirty laundry should be hung in the back of the house never to be shown to the world.
Then the door opens up many things that those inside might not have the chance to bring out. Literally that is why it is called, the door of opportunities. A door opening physically may bring with it opportunities both physically and even financially. Some of those who have great talent but are afraid to venture out, when the door opens they have nowhere else to hide but to come out and face their fears.
Solitude. That is such a heavy word that carries a lot of meaning and significance. You can find yourself in solitude out of your own free will. Sometimes you just want to be alone, with your thoughts, daydreams and even worries. Not that you are lonely but you just want to be, left, alone. That’s why the quote above just speaks to me so much, I have moments like those, where I want to go out in the middle of the night and just think, about nothing. Then I remember hey, I live in Kibera, I cannot go out into the darkness and think and stuff..
Anyway. Solitude is good. We all need that sometimes. Sometimes it is forced upon us, but just remember that door that you go through everyday, holds so much mystery and wisdom that you cannot fathom.
PS. this was from my blog I wrote on 8th July 2017! gosh has it been that long? I just needed to write something for a start. I'll try and be writing twice per week on Wednesday and Saturday.