Solitary Mann
Many people who live daily with depression, low mood or anxiety can find it very difficult to muster the energy to get out of the house, it’s a safe environment and when someone is feeling low, it’s fully acceptable that they don’t want to be in a sociable environment and weekends can often be worse as the social work aspect is not there, it can be very lonely.
So what can you do? The Island is actually a wonderful self-help drug, it has lots to offer that does not just involve alcohol or sport and the natural beauty of our home has proven to lift mood.
Walks –
5 minutes out of any town and you will find a walk in the countryside to suit any fitness level.
Wildlife -
Usually thought of as a hobby for the “Oldies” this myth should be shattered, the rock is a wonderful place to appreciate the beauty of nature that folk living in cities in the UK would have to travel to see. Seals, Whales, Birds of Prey, Hedgehogs, wild Wallabies! You won’t see them on a 20 minute walk in London! And they won’t cost a penny to see.
Photography –
Good cameras nowadays are not just reserved for the professionals. Even the old camera phone produce a brilliant quality photo, walk around any town on the Island, beach, or drive to a remote spot, there will be something unique to capture, even if you don’t share the pictures the moment will be yours.
What’s on –
There are many events held weekly on Island, look at the what’s on guides online and they will give you many options, from stargazing to beach clean ups, there are some amazing people out there who will give up their time to appreciate how lucky we are living on the Isle of Man.