Solidarity of speech
Freedom of speech is one of the most valuable assets, that we have in our democratic countries. This brings us also a strong responsibility to respect other people and opinions. Hatespeech should be never tolerated. Other thing is, that even in Finland in social medias, respected people are talking so much about themselves and driving personal goals instead of common good. This is a reflection of individual view of life.
Finland has been historically a very collective society last 100 years. That has been our backbone of surviving as an independent country. In global world it is not possible to just focus on our narrow field of life. Like Olof Palme did in his respected career, he was always talking about global solidarity. With open and positive communication, there is always a chance to effect politically to create a better world for all the people. We are stronger together.
Instead of creating walls or unnecessary silos, we can start thinking ourselves as a part of a bigger community. In wider context, it can be the whole world, but in our everyday life it is concerning workplaces and even families. Communication is reflecting our humanistic values or a lack of it.
Let’s do our part creating a positive atmosphere for a respective communication and finding channels to spread constructive ideas to create a better environment to live.