SOLID in React
In last edition we explained SOLID principles using JavaScript code examples.
In this article we'll talk about SOLID principles that can be applied to React applications. In fact, using SOLID principles in React can help you write cleaner, more maintainable, and scalable code. Let's discuss how each of the SOLID principles can be applied in a React web application:
1. Single Responsibility Principle (SRP):
In React components, we can think of this principle as ensuring that each component has a single responsibility. A component should focus on rendering it's UI and handling its own state. It's a good practice to create separate small components for different sections of the UI in a web app that does a unit of work. Small components often help code reusable.
Code Example:
Consider the following example we need to render list of tasks in a Tasks web app. For this we are creating 3 components.
A Task component that renders individual task.
function Task({ task, onComplete }) {
return (
onChange={() => onComplete(}
A TaskList component that renders a list of tasks and have logic to manage the list. It uses Task component.
function TaskList({ tasks, onComplete }) {
return (
{ => (
<Task key={} task={task} onComplete={onComplete} />
App component is the main component that uses both to render the app.
function App() {
const tasks = [
{ id: 1, title: "Task 1", completed: false },
{ id: 2, title: "Task 2", completed: true },
function handleTaskCompletion(taskId) {
// Handle task completion logic
return (
<h1>Task List</h1>
<TaskList tasks={tasks} onComplete={handleTaskCompletion} />
2. Open-Closed Principle (OCP):
The Open-Closed Principle (OCP) is one of the SOLID principles of software design, and it states that software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension but closed for modification. In the context of React functional components, the OCP encourages to design your components in a way that allows you to add new functionality or behavior without modifying existing code.
Here's a detailed explanation of how the Open-Closed Principle can be applied to React functional components:
2.a Component Abstraction:
Start by defining abstract or base functional components that encapsulate a specific functionality or behavior. These components should be designed to be reusable and extensible. They provide a clear interface for the behavior they represent.
2.b Prop-Based Configuration:
Design your base components to accept configuration and customization through props. This allows you to customize the behavior and appearance of the component without modifying its source code.
2.c Specialized Components:
When you need to add new features or variations of a component, create specialized components that extend the functionality of the base component. These specialized components should accept the same configuration props as the base component, but they may add extra props to introduce new behavior.
2.d Composition:
Compose your specialized components by rendering the base component and any additional components as needed. This allows you to combine functionality and create complex components by assembling smaller, reusable parts. We'll cover composition in React in detail in a separate article.
Code Example:
Let's consider a simple example with a base functional component called Button that renders a button with text:
function Button({ label, onClick, className }) {
return (
<button onClick={onClick} className={className}>
Now, we need a Primary button in our App. To do that we can accept a className prop in the Button component.
We can also create a specialized button component, PrimaryButton, that not only renders a button but also applies some specific requirements. For this we'll not modify Button component rather create a new component that enhances the Button component.
function PrimaryButton({ label, onClick }) {
// primary button specific logic
return (
<div >
This adheres to the Open-Closed Principle because you are extending the behavior of Button without modifying its source code.
Benefits of OCP in React Functional Components:
- Extensibility: The OCP promotes extensibility, allowing you to create new variations and features by developing specialized components without modifying existing code.
- Maintenance: By not modifying existing code, you reduce the risk of introducing bugs or affecting the behavior of other components.
- Reusability: Specialized components can be reused in different parts of your application, enhancing code reusability.
- Clear Interfaces: Base components provide clear and well-defined interfaces, making it easy for other developers to understand how to use and extend them.
This approach promotes code extensibility, maintainability, and reusability, making it easier to create and maintain complex user interfaces.
3. Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP):
In React, this principle implies that derived components should be able to replace their base components without affecting the desired behavior of your application. React's component-based architecture naturally adheres to this principle as long as you maintain consistent props and behaviour. In React class based components we can create a child component that extends a parent component and apply LSP but in case of React functional components you can apply composition to apply LSP.
4. Interface Segregation Principle (ISP):
The Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) is one of the SOLID principles of software design. It suggests that a class or module should not be forced to implement interfaces it doesn't use. While React doesn't have traditional interfaces like some programming languages, you can apply the concept of ISP when designing your React components to keep them focused, have specific props and avoid unnecessary dependencies, following the idea of not imposing unnecessary methods or data on components that don't need them.
Here's how ISP can be applied in React with examples:
4a. Keep Interfaces Small and Focused:
In React, you can think of "interfaces" as the set of props that a component accepts. To apply ISP, design your components to have small and focused interfaces. Each component should only accept the props it needs to fulfill its specific role.
Code Example:
Consider a scenario where you have a generic Button component. It can be used for various purposes, and you want to ensure it doesn't impose unnecessary dependencies on the components that use it.
function Button({ label, onClick }) {
return (
<button onClick={onClick}>
Now, imagine you have two different components that use the Button component in your application. One is a SubmitButton component, and the other is a CancelButton component.
The SubmitButton component should only receive the label and onClick props it needs to create a button for submitting a form:
function SubmitButton({ label, onClick }) {
return <Button label={label} onClick={onClick} />;
By segregating the interface and only accepting the necessary props, you ensure that the SubmitButton component doesn't have any extraneous dependencies or props.
The CancelButton component is another example. It also uses the Button component but for canceling actions. Again, it should only receive the specific props it needs.
function CancelButton({ label, onClick }) {
return <Button label={label} onClick={onClick} />;
By following the ISP, you ensure that the CancelButton component doesn't have to deal with unrelated props, keeping it focused on its own responsibilities.
Benefits of ISP in React:
- Reduced Complexity: Components are simpler and easier to understand when they have focused interfaces.
- Minimized Dependencies: Segregating interfaces helps to avoid unnecessary dependencies, making your components more maintainable.
- Easier Testing: Components with smaller and more focused interfaces are typically easier to test because there are fewer variables to consider.
- Reusability: Components with segregated interfaces can be more easily reused in different parts of your application, as they don't bring along unnecessary dependencies.
So, Interface Segregation Principle in React involves designing components with small and focused interfaces/props. Each component should only accept the props it needs, which reduces complexity, minimizes dependencies, and enhances reusability and maintainability. This design approach leads to cleaner and more efficient React components.
5. Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP):
In React, dependency inversion can be achieved by using dependency injection or context. Instead of components directly importing and using dependencies, they can accept these dependencies as props or consume them via context. This allows you to swap out dependencies without modifying the components that use them.
The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) is one of the SOLID principles of software design, and it encourages high-level modules or components to depend on abstractions rather than specific implementations. In the context of React, DIP plays a crucial role in making your components flexible, maintainable, and testable.
Here's a detailed explanation of how DIP can be applied in React:
It involves 3 steps.
1. Abstractions and Interfaces:
In React, abstractions are typically represented by props that a component sets to receive as a contract. These abstractions describe the contract that components need to follow.
For example, you might define a service or API client as an abstraction:
// This is an Abstraction
class ApiService {
get(url) {
// Abstract method for fetching data
2. Implementations:
Implementations are concrete classes that adhere to the abstractions. In the case of React, these could be specific service implementations, such as a REST API client:
class RestApiService extends ApiService {
get(url) {
// Implementation for fetching data via REST
3. Dependency Injection:
To apply the Dependency Inversion Principle in React, you should inject dependencies (abstractions) into your components instead of hard-coding specific implementations. This allows you to easily switch or replace implementations without modifying the component itself. You can achieve this in several ways:
a. Prop Injection:
One common method is to inject dependencies via component props. For example, you can pass an instance of the service as a prop to a component that needs it:
function MyComponent(props) {
const {apiService} = props;
// make use of the apiService
// Usage
<MyComponent apiService={new RestApiService()} />
b. Context API:
React's Context API is another way to provide dependencies to components, making them accessible without having to pass them through every intermediate component. You define a context that holds the dependencies and then consume the context in your components:
const ApiServiceContext = React.createContext(new RestApiService());
function MyComponent() {
const apiService = useContext(ApiServiceContext);
// Use the injected service
Benefits of DIP in React:
- Flexibility: With DIP, you can easily switch out implementations. For instance, during testing, you can provide mock implementations of dependencies to isolate the component you're testing.
- Maintainability: Changes in the concrete implementation don't impact components that depend on the abstraction. This separation makes your codebase more resilient to changes.
- Testability: By injecting dependencies, you can provide mock or stub implementations for testing, making it easier to write unit tests for your components. This is best use case of DIP in React.
- Reusability: Abstractions can be reused in various components, reducing code duplication.
By applying the Dependency Inversion Principle in React, you build components that are more modular, testable, and adaptable to change. This architectural approach is particularly useful in large and complex React applications, where it helps maintain a clean and organized codebase.
We tried to cover applying SOLID principles in React based applications. While developing React components keeping these principles in mind and applying these principles will get us lots of benefits that we've mentioned above repetitively. You can notice all the individual principles bring flexibility, reusability maintainability and testability into the codebase.
Hope you enjoyed the article, thanks.