WRONG THINKING & ACTION can only hurt us & others so it may be in our best interests if we let go of the ghosts of the past so we can close that door which can only lead to isolation & suffering. We may not be alone in a social sense, but those pangs of anxiety keep us apart from enjoying the best parts of our life.
We need to be able to recognize our deficiencies & take that first practical move towards humility, followed up by a sincere attempt to become what we could be. By taking an objective, long look at ourselves, we can see there are times when we lack tolerance & honesty. All those attacks of self-pity, resentments & personal grandeur must be put aside.
Something must be done concerning our defects of character for we cannot wish them away. Without action on our behalf...they won't just disappear in a puff of smoke. So much self-deception! However, the truth will set us free from all those hurt feelings, guilt, remorse for they are only smoke screens under which we have hid & blamed others for our handicaps & liabilities. Now we must step out of the dark & find a new direction by allowing straight thinking to open the door to solid honesty & genuine humility.
Love to all. Please click on my website to keep me up on the page.
Psychic Clairvoyant Brisbane Lynette Zabielo
Clairvoyant Brisbane Lynette Zabielo Ph 0418 871 135
Personal Consultations, Psychic Readings, Clairvoyance, Medium, Counselling