A Soldier's Anecdote

A Soldier's Anecdote

Operation Enduring Freedom (2003, Afghanistan)

As a young Captain, I was offered the opportunity to serve alongside the Special Forces in Afghanistan. In order to receive my commander's approval, he made me promise that I wouldn't "go native;" that I would return to Ft. Sill, OK and fulfill my responsibility to command a field artillery battery. In Afghanistan, my primary role was to ensure rapid and coordinated support for all emergencies involving our special operations forces. Resources were limited, and lives and national interests were always at stake. I had to make critical decisions, quickly and under pressure. And there was nowhere else I wanted to be. Without a doubt, the most difficult decision I had to make was whether to honor my commitment to my commander or try to pursue a career with special forces.

My commissioning source was the Officer Candidate School at Ft. Benning, GA. There, they instilled in me the importance of Duty- Honor-Country. More than a motto, it's a moral code of conduct. I made a commitment to my commander at Ft. Sill and it was kept. I'll always be grateful for my experience in Afghanistan, but I'm equally grateful for what Ft. Benning instilled in me, for the faith my commander had in me, and for the leadership opportunities he afforded me when I returned.


