We have recently been very busy at First National Johnson at St Ives. I recently sold 4 properties in 15 days, with one of these homes selling in only 1 week & another home selling prior to marketing to our database buyer. Also I recently had 3 settlements in only 7 days & we wish the purchasers every happiness in their new homes!! We currently have a strong level of demand from different segments of the Upper North Shore property market (including buyers wanting houses, land, villas, townhouses & apartments). Please feel free to call me on 0418 767 150 if you are thinking of making a move over the coming months.
#realestate #justsold #justsettled #hillcrestdrive #hampdenavenue #melaleucadrive #kitchenerstreet #spencerroad #memorialavenue #stivesproperty #killaraproperty #wahroongaproperty #kuringgaiproperty #uppernorthshoreproperty #firstnationaljohnson