Solare Sculptable Dental Composite Veneers
GC India Dental
Leading dental company, supplying quality products and services to dental professionals.
Solare Sculpt – Universal Sculptable Dental Composite
With Universal, Self-Polishing, Sculptable Composite from GC
SOLARE Sculpt, a high-strength, universal composite with optimised handling so clinicians can place beautifully adapted restorations with ease. The Sculptable composite for every need!
SOLARE Sculpt is the smart solution for your everyday restorations, simple and versatile, use it anywhere: anterior or posterior, any cavity classification.
With GC’s pioneering light-scattering filler technologies, it will consistently give you invisible margins and beautiful restorations. SOLARE Sculpt ensures that just four shades will cover all your single shade restorative needs.
SCULPTable nano composite for every need
Solare Sculpt a universal sculptable composite with advanced light scattering technology that merges GC’s innovative single dispersion nano-fillers.
Sculpt is a material that clinicians can place with ease for beautifully adapted, finished, fast, aesthetic and tough composite restorations.
With improved wear resistance, handling and operability, Sculpt can be used for anterior and posterior restorations, composite veneers, diastema closures and composite/porcelain repairs
Sculpt has a unique homogeneous, pre-polymerised nano-fillers with high density & uniform dispersion silane treatment technology similar to G-aenial Universal Flo.
Benchmark strength and wear resistance
SOLARE Sculpt incorporates three unique filler technologies Single Dispersed Nanofillers (SDN), Full-coverage Silane Coating (FSC) and High-performance Pulverised CERASMART (HPC). The combination of these technologies allows you to sculpt beautiful high gloss aesthetic restorations with excellent wear resistance.
SOLARE Sculpt features GC’s smart light scattering technologies developed to give you absolute simplicity: Invisible restorations with just one shade!
SOLARE Sculpt, a high-strength, universal composite with optimised handling so clinicians can place beautifully adapted restorations with ease. Your SCULPTable composite for every need.
SOLARE Sculpt gives you total control over your results with its smooth, non-sticky consistency and 3x more working time for a well sculpted restoration! Get effortless handling with 4 minutes working time. SOLARE Sculpt is the smart solution for your everyday restorations – simple and versatile, use it anywhere: anterior or posterior, any cavity classification.
SOLARE Sculpt single shade simplicity
SOLARE Sculpt features GC’s smart light scattering technologies developed to give you absolute simplicity: Invisible restorations with just one shade!
GC’s pioneering light-scattering filler technologies
SOLARE Sculpt incorporates three unique filler technologies Single Dispersed Nanofillers (SDN), Full-coverage Silane Coating (FSC) and High-performance Pulverised CERASMART (HPC). The combination of these technologies allows you to sculpt beautiful high gloss aesthetic restorations with benchmark strength, wear resistance and durability.
SOLARE Sculpt has 300nm strontium nano ceramic fillers which are homogenously dispersed and individually silane treated. This strengthens the adhesion between nano ceramic and resin matrix for high flexural strength and a beautiful high gloss finish.
Brilliant aesthetic invisibility
SOLARE Sculpt’s light-scattering technologies give amazing chameleon and blending effect to consistently give you invisible margins and beautiful restorations. SOLARE Sculpt ensures that just four shades will cover all your single shade restorative needs!
1. What is Dental Composite?
Dental composite resin is a synthetic resin used to create dental cements. Due to their insoluble nature, tooth-like appearance, insensitivity to dehydration, ease of manipulation, and low cost, synthetic resins evolved as restorative materials.
2. What is Aesthetic Composite?
Dental aesthetics and smile aesthetics are highly dependent on the size, shape, and color of the anterior upper teeth. Composite restorations can be used to solve some aesthetic anterior problems.
3. What is Composite Veneers?
Composite veneers are tooth coverings made with composite resin that require minimal tooth preparation. Your existing teeth will be shaped more attractively by the composite material placed over them.
4. What is Class IV Composite?
Composite resin restorations require a combination of art and science to achieve optimal aesthetic and functional results, preserving the maximum amount of tissue.
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