This is an overview on solar tender information that TaiyangNews has published as part of stories on its website over the course of the past two weeks. For more information on a tender listed below, click on the source to directly access the tender documents (if available).


Rajasthan’s RUVITL is seeking bidders for 8 GW solar PV capacity. (Photo Credit: TaiyangNews)

Rajasthan Government Launches Tender For 8 GW Solar: The Rajasthan Urja Vikas and IT Services Limited (RUVITL) has issued a request for selection (RfS) seeking bidders for 8 GW solar PV capacity for projects located within Rajasthan, including solar parks. The total tariff for solar under this tender is INR 2.50/kWh.?

The solar PV projects will be connected to the state transmission utility (STU). A bidder can offer a single bid for a minimum of 4 GW capacity. Solar modules to be procured will need to come from models and manufacturers listed in the Approved List of Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) list of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE).?

RUVITL says it has launched the competitive solicitation process to comply with the central government order for renewable generation obligation (RGO). It requires generating stations coming online on stream on or after April 1, 2025 to supplement their conventional generation with a minimum supply of renewable energy to the extent of 10%.??Hence, the 8 GW solar tender has been issued alongside its thermal power procurement of up to 3.2 GW capacity. Financial bids will be opened for both the tenders and those corresponding to the solar RfS will be opened for only those bidders who have qualified for both the technical bids, thermal and solar separately.??

RUVITL explains, “This will help RUVITL in tying up large scale capacity in one step with optimal mix and it is expected to get better rates also due to benefit of larger scale. This will also attract potential generators of coal-based power as they will be able to fulfill their RGO obligations.” The 8 GW solar capacity will come online in phases as demand grows. Coal-based capacity will be commissioned to fulfill the increased base load. If the solar power plant is not commissioned as required under the request for selection (RfS), RUVITL will terminate the PPA for solar power plant and power sale agreement (PSA) for thermal power plant.??

The winners of the solar projects will enter a 25-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with RUVITL. According to the terms of the agreement, since solar power is available during the daytime and is cheaper as compared to other sources of electricity, it may be utilized to meet agricultural demand.?

RUVITL launched the tender on May 2, 2024. It will admit bids till June 24, 2024. Further details are available on the state government’s website.?


After launching a tender for a 30 MW floating solar plant in October 2023, the CEB is now seeking consultants for a 15 MW AC solar plant. (Illustrative Photo; Photo Credit: hytographics/

Mauritius Launches Competitive Solicitation Process For Solar Farm: The Central Electricity Board (CEB) of Mauritius has invited international consultants to offer their services for the implementation of a 15 MW AC solar PV farm.??

It requires an independent engineer for the implementation of the project at Le Val. Both local and internationally qualified consultants can apply.??

It launched the tender on April 17, 2024. Bids will be admitted till May 22, 2024, according to the tender announcement.??

Caption: EEHC’s solar and storage system tender will come up in Siwa Oasis, near Libya. Pictured here is the existing PV system on the project site. (Photo Credit: Egyptian Electricity Holding Company)

Egypt Seeking Bidders For Solar PV & Energy Storage Project: The Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC) & the Ministry of Electricity have launched a tender for the design and construction of a solar and battery energy storage system (BESS) that will enhance the Siwa Oasis PV microgrid in Egypt. Currently, the desert region of Siwa Oasis has an operational microgrid with a 10 MW nameplate capacity. The government now wants to enhance it with another 8.2 MW solar PV and 2 MW AC/4 MWh BESS.

Siwa Oasis is located in the Western Desert of Egypt, bordering Libya. Its existing microgrid is operating with around 13,600 customers. It will be complemented by the new solar and storage capacity tendered. Increased renewable energy capacity on-site will decrease costs by avoiding additional transmission networks for expansion and save the local populace from using diesel. Interested bidders will design, engineer, construct, operate and maintain the PV system while procuring and integrating the system.

The last date to submit expressions of interest (EOI) is June 3, 2024, according to the call issued on April 22, 2024. ?


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