The TaiyangNews PV Price Index saw declines for all product prices except polysilicon and solar glass in Calendar Week 21. Wafer price declines were comparatively higher than other products.
All polysilicon types listed were stable WoW in CW21, breaking a 6-week declining trend.
In CW21, wafer prices saw WoW declines in the range of -5.1% (p-type 210 mm, 150 μm) to -13.8% (p-type 182 mm, 150 μm). n-type 182 mm declined -8.0% while n-type 210 mm declined -11.9% WoW.
Prices for all cell types listed declined -8.6% to -8.8% in CW 21.
All module types saw price declines in the range of -2.2% to -3.5% in CW21, a little higher than those seen in CW20.
Solar glass prices continue to be stable WoW after the 3.2 mm (thicker) variant saw a 2.0% increase in CW15.
Even as global polysilicon maintains its price levels, all other products listed in the TaiyangNews PV Price Index have seen price declines this year. The magnitude of declines is higher upstream—all polysilicon prices have crossed the -36.1% mark YtD. Among wafers, the n-type 182 mm variant has lost exactly half its value YtD, at -50.0%. Cell prices have registered up to a -35.4% decline YtD, while modules have been relatively stable so far this year, losing only up to -13.7%.
The data refers to average product prices in China. The data was collected by Chinese market research firm Gessey PV Consulting.
Disclaimer: TaiyangNews does not guarantee reliability, accuracy or completeness of this price index’ content. TaiyangNews does not accept responsibility or liability for any errors in this work.
#May28-29 #JustFewDays left for TaiyangNews #VirtualConference on Distributed Solar
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Distributed PV systems are rapidly expanding their footprint in the global solar energy landscape. Accounting for nearly 2/3rds of new PV installations in Europe last year, the trend towards rooftop solar can be seen in major Asian-Pacific solar markets as well, with China leading the charge. Of the 216 GW AC of PV capacity installed in 2023, nearly 100 GW were distributed PV systems.
To look at the different needs and boundary conditions for the residential and C&I segments, TaiyangNews’ 2nd Distributed Solar Conference will be spread across 2 days – one day will focus on private homes, and the second day on C&I. The dates are May 28-29, from 09:30 to 12:30 CEST.
Themed Optimizing PV Power for Homes & Businesses, the 2-day Conference will see major stakeholders from market research, manufacturing, distribution, design and installation - LONGi Solar , JA Solar , Trina Solar , Jinko Solar Co., Ltd. , DAH Solar Co., LTD. , Hopewind , Memodo GmbH , Wood Mackenzie , Exawatt , encentive GmbH , RCT Power , SolarPower Europe to discuss the latest developments in the rooftop solar space.
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