Solar Power Basics Newsletter #6
Adam Daley
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In the last issue we talked about installing a home solar power system. In this issue we are going to go talk more about using solar panels.
The economic recession has affected many countries and many homeowners were able to feel the impact, literally. Who would not love the idea of being able to save on your monthly electrical bills? One way to do that is by using solar power for your home.
How are you going to convert your home? Well, there is no need to cut off your existing power supply. Besides, the sun doesn’t shine every day throughout the year. Even when there is no sunshine, you can still use electricity. You are quite lucky if your place gets a lot of sunshine during most months of the year. Sunlight is renewable, free, and clean.
You will simply collect raw sunshine and convert it to electricity with the use of solar panels. Just imagine savings about 80% on your utility bills every month. That is already a good deal since you will be spending a one-time investment on the materials and installation and reap the benefits.
So how are you going to build the solar panels?
You can find heaps of information sources online. By doing a quick search online, you may be able to get step by step instructions on how to develop homemade solar panels. To be able to create an efficient solar power system, the instructions should be clear and easy to understand. That way, you can install the system with ease. The instruction material should provide design diagrams, the required materials and parts, and easy to read directions. You can join discussion forums online about solar power implementation. You can also find lots of guides online but not all of them are useful. You must pick out the right guide to suit your specific needs.
Solar panels can be expensive but once you make the initial investment, you can enjoy an unlimited source of renewable and clean energy and cut your electric bill 50-80%; not that is savings.
The solar panels must be placed on the right spot where there is plenty of sunshine. Why not put the solar panels on your roof? If you can find unblocked space on your backyard or garden, you can also place the panels there. Find the windows where there is direct sunlight and mount the solar panels there; the key is the ‘sun’.
Once you have all the materials ready, you can start building the panels. Ready-made panels cost around $3,000 or more depending on their usage. There are also simple DIY solar panel kits that you can create over the weekend. The DIY kits are more affordable and with only $200, you can already create a simple project.
Once you finish building the solar panels, mount them properly. From then on, you can expect to save a lot of money in the coming months and years. You can expect an 80% reduction in your electric bills monthly and as long as you have efficient solar panels, you can benefit from it for a long long time.
Free sunlight is widely available and if you live in a place where there is lots of sunshine, you can benefit greatly if you build solar panels. Learn how to build one now and start preparing an adequate working budget.
Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about what to expect from a solar powered home.
Until then,