Solar Panels in Rural Areas
This is a "living topic" and this piece will remain as a "living document" which I will edit/update/add to on occasion. If ever cited, please include the date you accessed this piece. I am not an expert on this topic: But I want to be. You are witnessing a seedling which wishes to become a mighty oak on a topic.
Have you ever wanted to get away? I mean - really away. Not just from the noise, vibrations, people/spies, fumes, drones, pesticides, radon, PFAS, overhead power lines.. away from civilization. These days, you are not getting away from other types of pollution, and you are not getting away from the sun. Have you ever heard of "off-grid" living? It may be the solution to many of your problems!
Wise people have stated: "necessity is the Mother of Invention". You should always listen to your Mother whether she be your actual mother, or a more symbolic mother such as Mother Nature, Mother Earth, or the Mother of Invention. It can be disastrous to ignore your Mother.
Current definition of "Rural" in Canada: To be researched and filled-in
Other relevant definitions of "Rural": To be researched and filled-in
Solar Panels
Types of Solar Panels (sizes, technologies, requirements, mobility levels, efficiency, manufacturing, cost, uses, etc.): To be researched and filled-in
Solar Panels in Rural Areas
Examples of Solar Panels used in Rural Areas in Canada: To be researched and filled-in
Examples of Solar Panels used in Rural Areas Around the World:
-Bangledesh (Chauras):
Time stamp: 20:40