Renewable Electric Power Utopia Double Investment >Half Return ...Summer Solar Daily Deep Duck ...Winter Solar Dramatic Deep Dip
Joannes Sevenhans
Alcatel Academy Distinguished Member_2001 ...IEEE_Fellow_2000 for contributions to the design of solid state telecommunication transceivers ...PhD 1984 KULeuven ...Semi-retired ...Always looking for a next project ...
Enjoy the sun, not at night but in summer-day-time ... And in winter-time, the solar fun is not so funny ...
So ... About 10 year ago, solar panels were not a problem as they were something like a minority source of "low cost electric energy" as the sun shine is for free ....
To store a lot of electric energy ... to fill the gap of the yearly winter solar deep dip and ... to fill the gap of black night after the daily summer solar duck, the ... "low cost" solar energy production needs to keep the traditional power plants "on hold" but ready in winter time and traditional power plants in summer night now and the stability of the grid needs "high cost" electric batteries to prevent frequent blackout risks :
The smart part to solve all the solar electricity problems is then supposed to become the "smart battery management" to make sure the batteries are :
So for the batteries you need to do a huge over-dimensioning for the total capacity like you need to over-dimension all the installation of renewable energy as they are not at all user-demand-driven but they are solar-supply-driven.
To secure the electric current supply, the installation cost or fixed cost of installation and maintenance will be the double cost of 2 parallel systems working both at less than half capacity/efficiency with less than half the expected return on investment so it is not over pessimistic to say that energy prices must double to cover the extra installation cost.
Full energy transition with renewable energy to replace all carbon and fossil energy completely ... is still far away with now today 1,8% solar+wind ...
But the user demand issues of the (un)predictable nature of supply driven solar+wind, need new duplex grid architectures as the direction of power flow went from simplex-flow in the past to duplex-flow bidirectional grid with solar energy production on the roof of (almost) every house and also still in the central electric power gigaWatt plant = nuclear or wood or coal or oil or gas or hydro ....