Solar Flare Storms
Solar Flare Storms
By Michael Webster
Solar Cycle 25 could have potentially rock our world with 5 solar storms that hit us recently more are heading our way. Many are expected to be direct hits.
Blackouts, GPS failures, satellites, power grids, banking, gas pumps, credit cards, internet connections and most everything else are at risk.
Even though recent 5 solar storms we escaped unscathed, the experts are predicting that there will be more solar storms heading our way in the coming weeks and months - meaning it's time to get prepared NOW.
If any of these direct hits take out the electrical grids, there's no telling what will happen next.
Especially with a good portion of society firmly in the the Fragile Masses (a.k.a. not prepared for a minor inconvenience, let alone a long term blackout).
If you're not prepared for losing power, grocery stores shutting down, civil unrest, and more... time is of the essence!
Here are a few things we recommend you start with:
Supply for each of your family at list 2 months of the following.
Water, Died food, solor power generator, weapons, ammo, survival kits. See
?Banks and ATMs might go down as well... so pull a bit of cash out of the bank to have on hand. Also, consider getting some precious metals like Gold and or Silver as they've been considered currency for thousands of years. For starters get plenty of silver dimes so you can make small purchases if the SHTF.
I have silver available to linkedin members at below spot prices.