Solar Energy

Solar Energy

The beauty of any morning is getting a glimpse of the sunrise and with that comes the assurance of a new day and the ability for you to be energy independent. The sun produces light and heat energy. Solar radiation is energy emitted by the sun through electromagnetic waves in all directions allowing us to produce photovoltaic energy and thermal energy. What the human eye can see is known as visible light comprising red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet colours and makes about 40% of solar energy with its wavelength ranging from 400 -750 nm. Electricity is therefore generated through the photovoltaic effect where particles of light hit the solar panel, and knock electrons from atoms in solar cells to create electric current. Thermal or heat energy is obtained when a black body absorbs solar radiation and heat energy is transferred to water flowing through it providing heated water, for residential and commercial use.

Therefore, Solar energy is a renewable energy source with the ability to sustain the global energy economy and meet energy demands for industrialization in both developed and developing countries for heating and lighting solutions. Powering cities and improving devolution can be done through electrification from solar energy which has proven reliable and cost-effective and is a solution in addressing SDG 11(sustainable cities and communities) and SDG 7 (Clean energy for all). Therefore let us take pride when the sun shines and as it goes down, let us be guaranteed of its brightness through our technologies.


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