Solar Eclipses
By Vikki Anderson
The male or positive signs are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. The feminine or negative signs are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.
The solar eclipses below will indicate if they are for the benefit of positive or negative signs. When an eclipse is not in your positive or negative group, it does not give you easy opportunities or positive energy to make things go your way. You must be very persistent to make things go the way you want them to. Things may get blown out of proportion and life gets difficult. These could result in issues with: family, partners, health, career or money and so many other areas of life. Now you know one of the reasons why life isn’t treating you fairly. However, we have free will and can change anything we don't like or need. So, on an eclipse, make it a positive day no matter what you do and the next six months and your life will steadily improve.
What are your goals? This is a great time to deal with your wish list of what you really want to happen in your life to help push your dreams, aspirations and desires forward. I usually don’t work with lunar eclipses too much because their effect is less than a month, but if you do, it rules your emotional life and your level of sensitivity. It can heal you on so many levels as Mother Moon sends her blessings and good luck your way to deal with anything going on in your life from an emotional point of view. However, the solar eclipse is like a video that gets played over and over again until the next one which occurs. The next few years' eclipses are as follows:
July 2, 2019 - Cancer - negative
December 26, 2019 - Capricorn - negative
June 21, 2020 - Cancer - negative
December 14, 2020 - Sagittarius - positive
June 10, 2021 - Gemini - positive
December 4, 2021 - Sagittarius - positive
So, this is a great time to plan that day as best you can. Have time to work and play, rest, read, watch TV, exercise, start a new diet, be with friends and family you want to be with and avoid those you don’t. It’s a great time to have a meal with your partner, family or kids so you will have more time during the next six months to do that. No matter which sign you are, just remember: whatever you are doing on that solar eclipse day will also be your priorities for the next six months. Be creative, have fun and do spend the time doing what you really want to be doing for the next six months. Be with family and friends so you'll have more time to spend with them. Avoid people you want out of your life and they will be weeded out automatically a little at a time. No operations, dentists, medical procedures of any kind on that day or you will be going to the doctor until the next eclipse. DO NOT pay bills on that day or your intent is to always be paying bills. AND do put money in the bank so you will have more money to save than spend. Read, write, do something artistic, take a walk, start an exercise program, a healthy diet or do something that makes you feel wonderful - a makeup perhaps?
Happy eclipse to all. Compliments of