Solar Eclipses - Jan. 5 and July 2, 2019

The eclipse is in Capricorn, so many interesting things will come into Caps lives. Things you were working towards will come to fruition and in general, your life will be so much better for the next six months until the next eclipose. It opposes Cancer so many changes, not necessarily negative, will be happening in their lives. And for Virgo and Pisces, there will be many little frustrations, aggravations, annoyances, many choices, some bad decisions and missed opportunities so you too need to make your Solar Eclipse Day wish list very specific for you and your family.

This solar eclipse is neutral for positive signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius so it is important to make the eclipse very positive for you so your next six months will follow suit.Solar eclipses can cause a dramatic impact on your life!

What is a dramatic impact on one’s life, you may ask?

It means that you can change your life and go into any direction you want it to go. It means that if you don’t like the way your life is going, you can change it in a positive manner and the effect will last until the subsequent eclipse.

No matter whether you can see an eclipse or not from your home is irrelevant. The energy of the eclipse affects the whole world and the whole day from midnight to midnight.

So what should you do on an eclipse?

I love explaining to my students and clients what they should do on an eclipse. It’s very simple and practical at the same time. Do whatever you want to be doing for the next six months. So, if you want to start looking for a new job, send out resumes on that day. If you are trying to sell your home, talk to a realtor that day or drop into a realtor’s office OR put your house up for sale on an eclipse for extra energy in selling it quickly. If you like your job, get to work on time, be friendly, have lunch with co-workers, etc. Don’t go shopping on an eclipse or your intent would be to spend extra money during the next six months. Do contact people you would like to have in your life more than you do now. You can email, write or visit with them, it doesn’t matter. The contact is the important issue. Go out to a meal with friends or your partner (or children, if you’d like) so that you would have more time and money to do that. I tell my women students not to pay so that they would not be picking up many of the bills in the future. If you are ill on this day, unfortunately, you will probably catch every kind of cold to flu or worse during this time period. So please take care of yourself so you don’t have to worry about your health.

Personally, I read, take the dog for a walk, listen to CDs, watch TV, rest, plan to do a hobby or interest and make sure I either lecture, write or have clients on that day to attract more business. You can start a new redecorating project or personal hobby. You can take a new class, start a new foreign language series that you always wanted to learn. Make a home cooked meal for the family if it is your intent to have the family around the dinner table more (but remember, you will be cooking more too). You can always order pizza! Tell someone you like/love them.

What shouldn’t you do on an eclipse?

That’s easy to answer. Do not do housework! Do not schedule any medical procedures or a doctor’s appointment. (You don’t want to be sick for the next six months, do you?). Do not pay bills or have a fight with anyone. If you do, make up quickly so this will not be an issue for the future. Do not stay home from work on this day or you will be down sized, laid off or fired. (Several students tested me on this and told me in the following semester that they had gone on unemployment!). If you are home sick from work, put on makeup and get dressed so you will not be lying around watching TV while not being groomed properly. (Men, you don’t have to put on makeup!). Do not procrastinate or put things off which should be done now.

Don’t do anything you don’t want to be doing over and over again for the next six months. It’s like a video that will be playing each day over and over again until the next eclipse. Think about what you want to accomplish and make sure you are doing that exact thing with the people you want to be doing it with.

So all in all, a solar eclipse is a wonderful way or reorganizing your life, bringing positive energy in that you need to make your life complete or to get it on another path.

Visit for a tarot or astrological reading for the upcoming year. Book now on line or call 908-887-0052 to make an appointment.




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