Solar-Diesel Hybrid Cheap Energy
Considering rising tariffs and energy use worldwide, especially in developing economies, where reality is gradually dawning on local economies, it is imperative to deal with the energy starvation once and for all.
Local energy companies need to realize the importance of good understanding of the economics of energy. Amongst the many statistical information given out during renewable energy designs, the very heart of information, bores down to "Cost of Energy" or "Cost per Kilowatt-hour" of energy. As important as down time cost, capital cost (CAPEX) and other figures that are relevant for presentation and analysis, their improper use can be misleading and not educative in making informed decision, when desiring energy utilization sources. This has been a major recurrence, when energy matters in renewables and hybrid systems are been discussed or presented in energy meetings.
The generation, transmission or sub-transmission and distribution of energy are all factors that must be put together to give a true cost implication, reflection and execution realities, when determining or choosing energy power plants.
As much as is said on the issue of renewable energy taking over fossil fuels, it remains too much of a theoretical reality if not properly considered, against all factors that make up energy as a commodity. No country will easily abandon it's most economic and abundant natural energy sources, except on the ground that the alternative energy source ( usually renewable energy source) is less expensive and as sustainable and its present energy source or sources.
For renewable energy and including EVs ( electric Vehicles) to make logical realities and mass appreciation, there must be a gradual progression into full renewables application. In the present, we will need to engage a combination of fossil fuel and renewable energy sources if it has to be sustainable. Such hybrid power alternatives, will keep the energy availability, consistent and available. EVs for example will charge with electricity, which for now will grossly come from hydro carbon gas fired turbines or coal fired power plants. In countries where solar charge stations may be far apart and in few available locations, this transition will not be quick and in helping to achieve carbon reduction impact, in some parts of the world.
Solar power can be relatively cheap when the tariff rises gradually. Also its cheap cost scenario can be realized when optimization and zero storage designs are properly implemented. This can only be sustained, when a steady and reference source of power is made available for purely remote and off-grid application.
The solar-Diesel hybrid system becomes a problem solver in this type of captive and isolated power conditions. Another way of making electricity cheap is to increase load and fuel efficiency. Diesel generator, when properly sized and also fitted with ultra-diesel filters can make fuel efficiency much more pronounced and measurable. Usually a couple of generators are suggested for such line design, ensuring that each load scenario allows the hybrid system become maximized and affordable.
Energy for productive use major policy and energy efficiency on the load and fuel side should be a major consideration. Where possible DC motors, VSD (Variable Speed Drives) and LED lighting, projecting and visual technology should employed to reduce motion, lighting, compression and visual display consumptions.
Solar-Diesel-Grid hybrids are making more sense. Countries like Nigeria, where tariff have suddenly moved up, can benefit from alternatives power system configurations. Solar-Grid hybrids for example, can be beneficially when tariffs are higher than Solar PV cost. This also helps in reducing the diesel generator running time. These system however favour far more in energy cost reduction, for companies or operations that take place during the afternoon times. The cost benefits also reflects in night operations hours based on the summation with the afternoon savings performance of the system.
Energy must be SEEN as a COMMODIT Y and not free meals. Also energy must be used for productive activities as a first priority and profits from such ventures can now affordable acquire an SHS ( Solar Home Solution) system. production, profit, pleasure.