Solar Charged: Rage Against the Dying of the Light  - Parts I & II
Sun blocked by weather modification Credit: Geoengineering Watch

Solar Charged: Rage Against the Dying of the Light - Parts I & II

| Sunlight | Solar | Light | Radiation | Geo-Engineering | Darkness | Health | Environment | Climate Change | Emissions | Chemicals | Aerosols | Experiments | Research | Exploitation | Global Warming | Weather Modification | Philosophy | Life | Death | Ethics | Faith | Hope | Love | New Beginnings |

Angle & Perspective Journal

{Opinion, Informative}

Solar Charged: Rage Against the Dying of the Light

Part I

The endurance of darkness is preparation for great light – St. John of the Cross

Now that we've scratched the surface to uncover the potential benefits of sunlight to human health, we need to shift to a very present concern in the battle of climate change as our relationship with the sun is coming under threat. We assume the sun will always be the same, will always rise and will always be there to wake us, warm us and provide us with our daily need for vitamin D.

But, what if we lost the #1 source of energy that sustains all life on earth? What if we lost... our sun? Years ago this would have been laughable, even ridiculous, but not in 2023. No, we are no longer the small-minded incapable beings we once were. We have evolved into god-like status with powers that allow us to image the impossible and control everything within our reach. (I'm still working out if I should use sarcasm in my Journalistic works, please bear with me for now.) This is no laughing matter.

The IPCC's AR6 Synthesis Report was just released a few weeks ago and was all the rage for the conclusion that anthropogenic (human-related) emissions are in fact the primary cause of climate change and needs immediate remediation. As if we haven't done enough to change the climate on earth for the worse, we are still pushing the borders of our self-destructive nature and habits by now aiming at the sun as a target, to see if tampering with it could possibly produce any better results (more sarcasm & skepticism).

The entire planet and everything in it has become open grounds for global experiments by people who have no more intellect than past generations yet believe humankind, or at least certain individuals within the species, have ascended and evolved so far along that we can now micro-manage what the laws of nature have governed from time immemorial up until now...and that in fact, we can do it even better. (What do you think?)

Dr. Chukwumerije Okereke, climate authority, (Africa) has taken a strong stance against the use of the African continent as a "laboratory experiment."1

When I was a kid I watched Disney's original Escape to Witch Mountain movie (based off the science fiction novel written by Alexander Key in 1968), where a brother and sister are trapped in the home of a tyrannical psychopath who believes he owns everything within sight. His butler points out this fact to the children to impress them with his power and intimidate them into submission. The little girl looks out the window and sneers cleverly, “Well, I can see the sky.”

Yes...The sky, the moon and the sun used to be ever-present emblems reminding us that something out there is beyond our reach and that we have limitations with nature & God, but not anymore. Several key players are vying for control over the unrestrained light of the sun that they see as a contributing threat to climate change and a solution for cooling the planet -much more of a threat than their own business ventures emissions are creating. Quite a few others disagree and are not happy about it.

While advocates claim it's the best way to cool the planet, dissenters and alternative thinkers say we are risking too much by playing with the only atmosphere we have to keep us alive and that the sun-blocking solution is only a band-aid countermeasure that will avoid the root causes of climate change.

“Many things can – and if history is our guide, will – go wrong with geoengineering. For example, aerosols only mask global warming; they don't address its causes. If, as we can expect, greenhouse gases continue to accumulate, aerosols would have to be released constantly and at ever greater concentrations to mitigate the strengthening greenhouse effect. This would be done via thousands of airplanes operating at high altitudes, which of course contributes more to global warming.” - from the book, Bright Green Lies2

Weather modification is nothing new to our generation but in what measure and extent modifications have been/are being made is currently much debated. Geoengineered sun-blocking is still claimed to be in the “testing and considering” phase by mainstream media.

The largest investors of solar-geoengineering are billionaires Bill Gates, George Soros and Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz.3 In the fall of last year (2022), the White House consented to a 5 year research study on solar geoengineering regardless of the voices against it.


Harvard research:

Dr. Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA Goddard and acting senior climate advisor was appointed in response to the Biden Administration's goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. He says we should be focusing on emissions reduction.4

Gregory Frost, the NOAA atmospheric chemist who oversees the [Congress ordered Earth's Radiation Budget] program “...Researchers need a clearer picture of natural stratospheric particles before they can contemplate supplementing them artificially.”5

Janos Pasztor, executive director of the Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative says “Solar-radiation modification will never be a solution to the climate crisis.”6

Bringing this all back around to the topic of health in my Solar-Charged Series... How does all of this affect our health and our intake of vitamin D through sunlight? The effects of ground-to-air pollution on our health is already a given, but is it coincidence that at a time when our skies are being altered by climate change that a global abnormality in people's low vitamin D levels is also occurring? Some say there's a direct connection.

The following excerpt from a De Gruyter article mentions Solar Geoengineering in particular:

Many diseases are linked to vitamin D deficiency, whose synthesis is impaired by reduced sun exposure due to air pollution [17]. It is important to note that this deficiency is global [18]. One of the known objectives of this meteorological modification program corresponds precisely to the reduction of solar radiation; (4)/ Several papers mention the negative environmental and health effects if solar geoengineering by SAI was employed [9, 19], [20], [21]. It can be noted that all these environmental and health impacts have been observed, measured, demonstrated and have been constantly increasing for many years.”

[paragraphs are not in respective order identical to original document]

one military document shows that this electromagnetic technology requires chemical spraying to manipulate weather [8]. Therefore, since stratospheric aerosols would clearly have an impact on health [9], it becomes important to analyze the persistent aircraft trails with a different perspective for several reasons: (1)/ Aviation emissions and persistent aircraft trails are known to increase air pollution and have climate and health impacts [10, 11]. Air pollution is an important factor in cardio respiratory diseases, which are constantly rising [12, 13], and also induces an adverse effect on the central nervous system (CNS) [14]; (2)/ The metal particles (such as aluminum, barium) that would be contained in these aerosols are among the causes of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, autism, transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis [15]. For example, aluminum is neurotoxic and is strongly associated with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. In addition, a burgeoning number of studies demonstrate the presence of aluminum in human brain tissue, and data support that high levels of aluminum in the brain are not a fatality of aging [16]; (3)/” End excerpt from De Gruyter (German Academic Publishing) article by Deruelle, Fabien. "Are persistent aircraft trails a threat to the environment and health?" Reviews on Environmental Health, vol. 37, no. 3, 2022, pp. 407-421.

“The second problem with aerosol geoengineering is that it changes sunlight intensity reaching the earth, which would have global repercussions. Plants, animals, bacteria, humans and many other beings and processes are regulated and dependent on the sun. [explicit] nearly all life on the planet is dependent on the sun. Reducing light, would at the very least, affect global plant growth, food production, quality of sleep, vitamin D and human and non-human health, and -ironically- solar-energy harvesting. Aerosols could also harm the ozone layer, potentially having a major impact on cancer rates. The sun also drives global weather patterns, so blocking sunlight would alter weather -especially water cycles -potentially causing unusual patterns of flooding, drought, storms, and so on.” - from the book, Bright Green Lies, Derrick Jensen, Lierre Keith, Max Wilbert.

“Vitamin D deficiency is linked to a very long and growing list of human degenerative disease. Immune system degeneration, neurological system disorders, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, obesity, cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, and even reproductive system disorders, the list goes on and on. The paradox is this, though our bodies manufacture vitamin D from sunlight exposure, now we have altered light from the sun due to the light scattering particles that are saturating our atmosphere from solar radiation management.” - Geoengineering Watch8

The problem with aerosols used in geoengineering is not just that they are blocking natural sunlight from getting to the earth, but they are a cause of an endless number of complications to our natural environment.

(article continued in Part II)

Part II

Personal Insight:

Several years ago when “my sun” was born, he gave me the opportunity to stay home and as a result I started getting outside more, but I was perplexed by the changes I saw in the atmosphere and the environment, particularly the difference in the way the sun was shining, or not shining. The observations I made along with research clarified my understanding, but I'm still learning and appreciate any related information or observations my readers might have. You can email me at [email protected]

In 2016 my husband died from chronic kidney failure just 2 months after my son was born. The irony of life and death at the same time thrust me into a spiritual awakening that has been quite a journey. It made me come to terms with my own human mortality and frailty and my hope beyond this world symbolized in spiritual Mt. Zion (the new or eternal age after death). My eyes have been opened to so many things, both good and evil. I began seeing all the pain and suffering and corruption in the world and in the natural environment, creation, animals and it caused me to grieve more than I did for the loss of my husband. Since then, I've tried to live a life that is conforming to my conscience and the principles my faith is founded on. I hope to relay some of these experiences and the knowledge, people and practices I've come across in the process through my journaling.

I've cried a lot. I've experienced “spiritual wilderness” feeling alone and lost or at a loss as to what to do about things and all the questions that come with existence in this unfamiliar world that we are pilgriming through.

Similarly, our collective social conscience has awakened to many of the dire planetary and humanitarian needs. Studies show that climate change alone is taking a toll on our anxiety levels, even to the point its been termed “eco-anxiety”. Harvard suggests ways to cope, you view their article by clicking here. They suggest

  • Validating the concerns as real
  • Direct efforts to advocacy groups, organizations and spending time researching together
  • Stay educated
  • Support loved ones decisions to change their lifestyle
  • Spend time in beautiful places and with beautiful people

In just the past few years, we've all globally experienced the coronavirus pandemic and many other life altering tragedies including job loss, natural disasters, displacement, political instability and corruption, the threat of end of the world scenarios, failed relationships, isolation and a sinking feeling of loss and that things might not get better, but we still keep fighting for the life we have and want to see, maybe some of us more than others, but these are age old battles and we can grow through them for the better. It's been described by St. John of the Cross as the “Dark Night of the Soul” when we come to terms with the end of ourselves and what we thought before.

Jared Chan on social media recaps Carl Jung's commentary in the following words, describing “the dark night of the soul as mainly entailing a loss of meaning. When we encounter a problem and defeat and sink down and our projections no longer hold -how we think of the world- is destroyed and now we are left to face ourselves and that often leaves us into a confrontation with the shadow which is the other aspects of ourselves that we weren't previously paying attention to.1 2

"In this first verse, the soul tells the mode and manner in which it departs, as to its affection, from itself and from all things, dying through a true mortification to all of them and to itself, to arrive at a sweet and delicious life with God." John's commentary on his own poem Dark Night3

The burden of the truth without love leaves a life not worth living; truth in light of love compels us to hope in the impossible.

“Joseph Campbell states "The dark night of the soul comes just before revelation. When everything is lost, and all seems darkness, then comes the new life and all that is needed."

“New Bright Green Lies are told every day and we could keep debunking them until the end of the world -literally until the end of the world – and so long as there exists those who care more about their own comforts and elegancies than life on the planet, more lies would pop up to replace them.” - Bright Green Lies

2nd , 4th & 5th stanzas of Dylan Thomas' poem

“Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night”4

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,

Because their words had forked no lightning they

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,

And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight

Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Dear Readers, please do not go gentle into that good night. Fight with all your might to shine your light in a dark world before your time slips away; and take this light -this knowledge you've gained from this article- and share it boldly with others who might benefit from it. As false information sweeps the globe, rage against the dying of the light by helping proclaim the truth and being diligent to counter misinformation and lies. If any information here is found to be untrustworthy or incorrect, please share your greater light of wisdom and knowledge so that we can all benefit. How far will we go to step out of the darkness into the light? Thank you in advance.

2 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.

3 Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. -Luke 12:2-3 KJV

I abandoned and forgot myself,

laying my face on my Beloved; all things ceased;

I went out from myself, leaving my cares forgotten among the lilies.

-John of the Cross, The Dark Night of the Soul

Recommending listening: Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds – The Dying of the Light

Hopeful of a brighter day,


Further reading:

(Part II references)





(Part I references)









D. R.

Climate, ecology & public policy focused. Independent Writing & Editing Professional (open to ghostwriting for environmental non-profits)

1 年

There's no quick fix to anthropogenic global warming. The promotion of solar geoengineering is being used to give cover/ justification to fossil fuel interests, and to those who want to continue with destructive overconsumption. Proponents include many large oil & gas corporations. IF we are to preserve abundant life on Earth, THERE CAN BE NO SUBSTITUTE for sharply reducing our GHG emissions, while preserving our natural areas/ biodiversity. This is an excerpt from a 2019 BBC interview with Harvard's Dr. Elizabeth Burns: 'Harvard's Solar Geoengineering Research Programs are leading the work on SAS. Elizabeth Burns, its program director, is at pains to tell me, “solar geoengineering could only be a potential complement to emissions reduction. It could not replace those efforts”. This is no “quick fix”, she says. “We really do need to reduce emissions to zero if we want to address climate change.”' See, Al Gore has also denounced solar geoengineering. See also this joint statement of 180 civil society organizations:


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