Solar Cell Efficiency & Physical Aspects
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Solar Cell Efficiency & Physical Aspects

Solar Cell Efficiency & Physical Aspects

Physical Aspects of Solar Cell Efficiency is a very complex issue and we Solar Price Quote always suggest you to go through a CEC Certified installers as working with physical aspects and getting high efficiency is on their finger tips.

The typical efficiency are 10%-15% and the maximum sunlight-to-electricity conversion efficiency for solar cells range up to 30% .

LIGHT WITH TOO LITTLE OR TOO MUCH ENERGY Most of the energy that reaches a cell in the form of sunlight is lost before it can be converted into electricity.

Most current work on cells is directed at enhancing efficiency while lowering cost. Certain physical processes limit cell efficiency-some are inherent and cannot be changed; many can be improved by proper design.

The major phenomena that limit cell efficiency are:

1. Reflection from the cell’s surface

2. Light that is not energetic enough to separate electrons from their atomic bonds

3. Light that has extra energy beyond that needed to separate electrons from bonds

4. Light-generated electrons and holes (empty bonds) that randomly encounter each other and recombine before they can contribute to cell performance

5. Light-generated electrons and holes that are brought together by surface and material defects in the cell

6. Resistance to current flow

7. Self-shading resulting from top-surface electric contacts

8. Performance degradation at no optimal (high or low) operating temperatures REFLECTION.

Some of the sunlight that strikes a solar cell is reflected. Normal, untreated silicon reflects 36% (or more) of the sunlight that strikes it. This would be a shocking loss in terms of efficiency. Fortunately, there are several ways of treating cell surfaces to cut reflection drastically. Among them are chemically coating and texturing the surface. By dint of these methods, reflection can be lowered to a quite manageable 5% or so. Effects (2) and (3) are closely related: Efficiency losses are associated with light that either is not energetic enough (2) or too energetic (3) for the proper generation of an electron-hole pair. As we know, sunlight has a varied spectrum; light reaching the earth has widely differing intensities at a broad spectrum of wavelengths. Losses associated with effects (2) and (3) result from how the light of varying wavelengths interacts with the solar cells. Light entering a solar cell can –

a. Go right through it

b. Become absorbed, generating heat in the form of atomic vibrations

c. Separate an electron from its atomic bond, producing an electron-hole pair

d. Produce an electron-hole pair but have an excess of energy, which then becomes heat.

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Bobinson K B

CTO at Peerplays Blockchain Standards Association

7 年

Just wondering how the dust accumulation and cleaning costs can be assessed. Any thoughts on that will be greatly appreciated.



