Spray Solution pH
Black thrips attacked chilli crop and many other crops in last few years, applied all kind of insecticides no control; cost of cultivation has doubled! Chilli growers’ serious concern right now!
Farmers’ understanding about the issue, was about the application rate; insect/ pest resistance and about the insecticide chemical itself.
#KrishiKan being working with red dry chilli growers had chance to learn, that farmers are unaware about the SPRAY SOLUTION pH!
The pH of the SPRAY SOLUTION is most crucial factor to be considered in insects or black thrips or mites’ control through pesticides’ sprays. pH is measured in logarithmic scale 0-14, pH is neutral @7, less than 7 is acidic and more than 7 is alkaline.
It is evident and lot of scientific reviews explains that more than 90% of pesticide molecules, especially of insecticides and herbicides lose their efficacy in spray solution with pH more than 7 and it is very unfortunate.
Farmers neither consider the pH nor the advisers/ pesticide vendors are informing about the importance of spray solution pH in insect/ mites or Black thrips control.
Seems like unbelievable but true, the spray solutions pH is an important factor in controlling insect pests, mites including Black Thrips. Team at #KrishiKan, with aim to make faming more sustainable working with keeping focus on this kind of critical practices to make farmers’ grow better crops with lesser cost.