Software Tester
Hi, testing community. Those days most of the IT professionals are staying home and working from home. I have written new concepts of behaviors of software tester. Special thing is these characters are including TESTER word's letters. By the way I would like to explore these characteristics for everyone to learn and excel in their career.
Why today need a tester?
Testing is required for an effective performance of software application or product. It's important to ensure that the application should not result into any failures because it can be very high expensive in the future and develop much time. As well as developer cannot both develop and test the application.
Software tester?
Software testing is a process and identified a software item to detect the different between actual and expected conditions. It includes activities that ensure the identification of bugs/error/defects in a software. Major thing is requirement identification and ensure whether those requirements are applied for the testing system or not. Then business requirements identification is the first role of the tester. If tester has no idea about the requirement of the system how he/she is testing the system as well.
T = Technical
For test the software application or product, technical knowledge is the very specific behavior for the tester. Knowledge of the various testing process, working with different programming languages, work with different database environments, test automation framework development and enhancement, version controlling, continuous integration and deployment knowledge(CI/CD) and working with tools for testing and documentation skills are some of the traits that you must have as a software tester.
E = Early Starter
Don’t wait until you get your first build for testing. Start analyzing the requirements, preparing test cases, test plan and test strategy documents in the early design phase. Starting early to test helps to visualize the complete project scope and hence planning can be done accordingly. Most of the defects can be detected in the early design and analysis phase saving huge time and money. Early requirement analysis will also help you to question the design decisions.
S = Systematic
Other important thing is do testing in the systematically. We can do the following steps systematically during the software testing.
- Planning - Tester do first thing is planning the actions (How, What, When, Why) testing the module or functions of scenario. No matter for take much time because planning is the foundation of the testing.
- Designing - After done the test planning QA engineers should design the test cases according to the test planning. They don’t loss the testing scope as well
- Scripting - After done the test case writing QA engineers can easy to be writing the test scripts/scenarios as well. Because they are covering the test scope under the test designing
- Execution - Then tester can execute the already written test cases manually or by using automation tool.
- Reviewing - That’s the important part of the testing. Verify the QA engineer or tester what they have done. That part review from senior QA engineer role.
T = Tactical
Tactical skills are defined as “the decisions and actions of players in the contest to gain an advantage over the opposing team or players”. Tester should improve this skill very well because software system develops under the team then team members should be able to work together and continue their communication smoothly. Tactical movements, of or relating to a maneuver or plan of action designed as an expedient toward gaining a desired end or temporary advantage.
E = Enthusiastic
Enthusiasm means having a good attitude and getting satisfaction from getting things done. Sometime this is not a important cases for others but this is very best situation for testers. The result of the enthusiasm is improve the job satisfaction and improve employee motivation.
An example of enthusiasm is a before release the project to client QA engineer can find the critical bug in the system.
R= Recognizing
Identify (someone or something) from having encountered them before; know again. In tester main recognize part is identify the software’s bugs. After the verify those bugs are fixed or not. Compare the actual result and the expected result. If it has difficult report the bugs to developers and solve those bugs.
These behaviors are more valuable for tester. If the tester can improve those things he/she can be achieve their goals easily. as well as improve job satisfaction and they can build quality product. Thank you all. Cheers.!!!!.