Software Financing: Making Customer Receivables Attractive to Potential Purchasers

by William S. Veatch

June, 2019

In the second installment of this series, Reed Smith Partner, William S. Veatch, continues his discussion on software vendor financing programs, noting that to the ensure success of a software vendor program, standard form customer documentation must be carefully reviewed and customized to allow the vendor to sell customer receivables on a nonrecourse basis.

Vendor finance is a program in which a software company (“Software Vendor”) works with a bank or leasing company (“Funding Source”) to extend credit to customers (“Customers”) to facilitate the acquisition of software products and services. This article discusses the documentation between the Software Vendor and its Customer, with the focus on how to make the receivables under the Customer software license attractive to a potential purchaser or Funding Source.

Part I: Parties and Relationships – Defining Common Deal Structures

As discussed in a previous article, there are two principal software vendor program structures: the Outsourced or Referral Program (see, Fig. 1) and the In-House or Assignment Program (see, Fig. 2). In this article, we examine these two structures with a focus on the documentation with the Customer.

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In the Referral Program, the Funding Source uses its own standard form Installment Payment Agreement (“IPA”) or “Lease” to finance the software. (Note that under the Uniform Commercial Code (“UCC”) in the United States, a “lease” of 100% software is not a “true lease” under UCC Article 2A. For that reason, we put “Lease” in quotation marks; it will be treated as a loan.) As a result, the Funding Source can address most finance issues in this agreement, such as late fees, default interest, acceleration upon a default, etc. There are some issues, however, that can be addressed only by amending the license agreement, such as creating a cross-default in the license agreement if there is a default under the IPA or “Lease.”  As a result, the parties usually enter into a Third-Party Financing Addendum. (See, discussion in Part 3 below.)

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In the In-House or Assignment Program, the Funding Source does not have its own form of IPA or “Lease” with the Customer; but rather the Funding Source is taking an assignment of the rights of the Software Vendor against the Customer. As a result, the Funding Source must scrutinize the Software Vendor’s Customer documentation to see how it compares to the Funding Source’s standard forms.  One of the principal themes of this article is that it is to the Software Vendor’s advantage to allow the Funding Source to make recommendations for changes to the IPA or Third-Party Financing Addendum. Together with assistance from experienced legal counsel, the Software Vendor can update the Customer documentation to facilitate the vendor finance program and allow each of the parties to achieve its respective goals and objectives.

Whether structured as a Referral Program or an Assignment Program, the key point to remember is that vendor finance is best viewed as a three-party transaction, so we need to address the goals and objectives of each of the three parties.

Part II: Risks and Rewards – Determining What is Important to Each Party

Goals and objectives of the vendor finance program

Once the decision has been made to start a vendor program, it is important to identify the goals and objectives of the program, and then review the Vendor’s standard form Customer documentation to determine if improvements can be made to help achieve those goals and objectives.

For the Software Vendor, the principal goals and objectives of a typical vendor program are the following:

·        Increase sales: A properly structured vendor program can be a tool to increase sales. For this to be the case, however, the license and payment documentation must be reasonable in the eyes of the Customer and must address the reasonable concerns of the Funding Source.

·        Permit revenue recognition: It is important to avoid activity that may inadvertently impair revenue recognition. For example, if the Software Vendor offers payment terms of more than a year, there may be a presumption that the fees are not fixed and determinable and that revenue should not be recognized up-front. The key is to consult with the auditors early on.

·        Allow for true sales of receivables: In an assignment program, it is critical that the sale of receivables constitute a “true sale” under FASB ASC 860-10-40-5 (formerly FAS 140, as amended by FAS 166). This in turn requires, in many instances, that the Software Vendor obtain a “true sale” legal opinion from its counsel. One of the most important true sale criteria is that the Funding Source must purchase the receivables without recourse to the Software Vendor, except for recourse in connection with the breach of certain customary representations and warranties. As we discuss in detail below, some simple changes to the Customer documentation can make the receivables much easier to finance and make it easier for legal counsel to give a true sale opinion, without having a significant negative impact on the Customer relationship.

For the Customer, the principal goals and objectives of a typical vendor program are the following:

·        Competitive pricing: The Customer is always looking for competitive pricing, and this is often achieved by virtue of the relationship that the Software Vendor has with the Funding Source. For example, a Funding Source may offer better pricing in order to capture the Software Vendor’s cash management business and a regular flow of financing transactions.

·        Speed of executionSince the financing documentation is largely pre-negotiated to be generally favorable to the Software Vendor’s customers, transactions typically close on a much faster schedule.

·        Avoid duplicative payment obligations: In a poorly documented vendor program, the Customer may be obligated to make payments under both the license agreement and an IPA or “Lease.” This problem, however, is easy to fix.

·        Pay only for products and services actually received: The Customer does not want to pay for products and services that were never received, or with respect to which there are warranty claims.

For the Funding Source, the principal goals and objectives of a typical vendor program are the following:

·        Noncancelable payment obligation, payable come “hell or high water”: The Funding Source needs to know that the Customer will pay the money that is owing under the finance documentation. If there is a performance or warranty issue, it should be addressed by the Software Vendor, but it should not affect the Customer’s payment obligation to the Funding Source. The only risk that the Funding Source is accepting, is the financial inability of the Customer to pay, including in the event of a Customer insolvency or bankruptcy. Other risks should be allocated to the Software Vendor.

·        Standard payment terms: If the Vendor does not want to enter into the lending business itself, then it is critical to make sure that the receivables meet the standard criteria required by a Funding Source in any financing transaction. The issues that are addressed in the Funding Source’s standard finance documentation include items such as late fees, default interest, acceleration upon an event of default, etc. This is easy to accomplish in a Referral Program, since the Funding Source is using is own form of IPA or “Lease.” In an assignment program, however, it is often in the best interest of the Software Vendor to allow the Funding Source to make improvements to the license documentation when viewed through the eyes of a lender.

·        Minimize Performance RiskPerhaps the single most important issue to a Funding Source when purchasing a receivable, is whether or not the receivable is an existing, enforceable, and noncancelable obligation of the Customer that is not subject to performance risk of the Software Vendor. If subject to performance risk, it is highly unlikely that a Funding Source will pay full price for the receivable without recourse to the Software Vendor. (The presence of recourse would be an impediment to true sale treatment and revenue recognition.)

Whether the receivable is noncancelable and not subject to performance risk depends, in turn, on whether the Customer has received the products and/or services that it bargained for; that is, has the Software Vendor performed the obligations that give rise to the receivable? If the Software Vendor has not yet performed, it is unlikely that the Customer will agree to sign up for a noncancelable payment obligation.

The best way to handle the performance risk issue is to (i) identify the different products and services offered by the Software Vendor under the license, (ii) specify what portion of the total receivable relates to each product or service, and (iii) specify when each component of the total receivable is deemed to have been earned by the Software Vendor; therefore becoming a noncancelable obligation.

·        Equipment:  If the Software Vendor happens to offer any equipment to the Customer through a lease or other financing arrangement, it is customary in the leasing industry for the payment obligation to become noncancelable upon delivery and acceptance of the equipment by the Customer.

·        Software: Although some Software Vendors use acceptance certificates, in the case of software many do not. The Customer payment obligation often arises upon delivery of the software as opposed to acceptance of the software. If so, this should be spelled out clearly in the license documentation.

·        Services: With respect to services, the point at which the obligation to pay for the services becomes noncancelable depends upon the type of services offered. The key is to spell this out clearly in the Customer documentation. For example, (i) some services, like routine maintenance, are billed annually in advance, whether or not the Customer actually uses the services; (ii) some services are billed net 30 days on a time and material basis as the services are performed; and (iii) in other cases the obligation to pay for services arises as certain milestones are met.

In each case, it is critical to identify the point in time when the payment obligation becomes noncancelable, which is also the point when most Funding Sources become willing to purchase the receivable on a nonrecourse basis. As a general rule, this occurs when the Software Vendor has substantially performed the obligations giving rise to the receivable.

Part III: Compromises and Solutions

Now that we understand the typical deal structures and what is important to each of the three parties, we can examine the software vendor finance documentation in more detail. We will see that there are solutions that work and that address the requirements of each party, but compromises must be made in order achieve the benefits of vendor finance.

Typical Customer documentation

The Customer documentation in a software vendor finance transaction typically includes the following:

·        License Agreement: The license agreement contains the standard terms and conditions that apply to all license transactions.

·        Product Quotation or Schedule: The product quotation or schedule sets forth the list of particular products and/or services licensed or contracted for by the Customer. Each product quotation or schedule should constitute an independent contract and incorporate by reference the terms and conditions of the master license agreement.

·        Installment Payment Agreement (IPA): IPAs or promissory notes are recommended, but not always used. When using an IPA, the product quotation or schedule should quote a cash up-front price and all of the extended payment terms should appear in the IPA. The advantages of using an IPA are many, including the fact that there is a stronger argument that the payment obligation is independent from the license, noncancelable and not subject to claims of set-off arising under the license.

·        Third-Party Financing Addendum to License: Usually the Funding Source will require an addendum to the license that contains a cross-default provision stating that a default under the IPA or “Lease” constitutes a default under the license. The financing addendum also makes the Funding Source a third-party beneficiary of the cross-default provision, so that the Funding Source can require the parties to terminate the license if the Customer is in default of its payment obligations under the IPA or “Lease.”

Principal Issues in Customer Documentation

The following are the principal issues that the parties need to address in the software financing documentation:

·        Noncancelable:  Perhaps the most important issue to the Funding Source is that the Customer payment obligation must be noncancelable. It is important to make sure that upon delivery of the software, the Customer payment obligation with respect to the software is noncancelable. If the Software Vendor later breaches a service obligation, such a breach might allow the Customer to avoid paying the related service fees, but it should not allow to Customer to avoid paying for the software that was previously delivered.

·        Assignment of receivables by the Software Vendor:  The Software Vendor should be expressly permitted to sell and assign the receivables under the license, product quotation or schedule, and IPA.

·        Waiving defenses against assignees: It is standard practice in financing transactions for the Customer to waive as against the Software Vendor’s assignees, any defenses to payment that the Customer may have against the Software Vendor. Such “waiver of defense” provisions are reasonable, so long as the receivable in question has been substantially earned. Problems tend to arise when the Software Vendor requests the Customer to waive defenses as to payment for future services that have not yet been performed.

·        No assignment by Customer: From a financing perspective, the Customer should not be able to assign nor delegate its obligation to pay under the license, IPA, or “Lease” because the Funding Source approved the credit of the original Customer, not the assignee.

·        Cross-default between the IPA and License: This is often covered in the Third-Party Financing Addendum to license that amends the license in those instances in which the Customer chooses to finance the acquisition of software by signing an IPA.

·        Late fees and default interest: Funding Sources typically look for a provision requiring the Customer to pay late fees and default rate interest on late payments. In vendor finance arrangements it is not unusual, however, to find long-cure periods of up to 30 days.

·        Acceleration upon termination or default: If a Customer defaults, it is essential to have an acceleration clause stating that the present value of the remaining payments becomes immediately due and payable in full.

·        Notification of assignment: Although vendor programs can be operated on a non-notification basis where the Customer is not notified of the assignment of receivables, there are numerous legal advantages to providing the Customer with notice, such as making it easier to give a true sale legal opinion in an assignment program.

Will the Customer Agree to the Financing Terms?

If we make all of these changes to the license documentation, will the Customer agree to the terms? If the only options the Customer has are (i) to pay cash up-front, (ii) to borrow money from a third-party lender pursuant to a 20-page (or longer!) loan agreement, or (iii) to finance over time with a two-page IPA through the vendor program at a competitive interest rate, then the IPA may very well start to look like the most attractive option. The Customer needs to understand it may have to pay the Funding Source even though the Customer is pursuing a warranty claim against the Software Vendor; there is no right of set-off. This is no different, however, than if the Customer had borrowed from its own bank or finance company; the Customer would have to repay the loan without any right of set-off. If the pricing is competitive and the documentation is quick and easy to implement, then vendor finance may very well be the best option for the Customer.


In summary, to ensure the success of a software vendor program, Software Vendors should review their standard form Customer documentation and make changes that will allow the Software Vendor to sell the Customer receivables on a nonrecourse basis. Although this may seem like a daunting task at first, it is possible to draft Customer documentation that is both palatable to the Customer and attractive to a Funding Source interested in purchasing receivables on a nonrecourse basis or financing software receivables with its own form of IPA or “Lease.” For the Customer, it is important to understand that to receive the benefits of vendor finance (such as competitive pricing and speed of execution), it is essential to understand the allocation of risk between the Software Vendor and the Funding Source. The Customer will have a firm payment obligation to the Funding Source, but will also have a remedy against the Software Vendor for any failure to perform. The critical point is to understand that vendor finance is best viewed as a three-party transaction, and to succeed the parties need to address the goals and objectives of each of the three parties.

William S. Veatch is a partner in the Financial Institutions Group and a member of the Business Department at Reed Smith LLP. He is resident in the San Francisco office.


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