Software is eating the world
Manoj Ranaweera
The man who built Manchester's Tech Startup Ecosystem from 2006 to 2013. 2 Exits. Runs: Techcelerate (trusted tech founder network), Deal Lite (Intelligence) & SkilledUp Life (52,000 volunteers for tech startups)
This article first appeared here.
As Marc Andreessen famously said, "software is eating the world". There is hardly any business left that does not use software to operate and grow. As the cost of software development drops thanks largely to technology advances, the market has seen a flood of new software applications enter.
This has transpired into businesses and organisations using ever more number of software applications to supplement and in some cases to replace legacy software. If you take a step back and count, you will be surprised to learn that you might be using more than 100+ software applications from managing your accounts to engaging with prospects on social media.
Given that this trend is to continue into well past 2020, how do you make sense of your software world?
And this is where UnifiedVU comes to your rescue. Without replacing existing software, we are building a presentation layer above your software to bring everything together into one screen to help you complete your daily jobs faster, whether this is finding out the reasons for a customer not paying on time, or what might be blocking you close your next 3 deals in the pipeline.
Over the coming weeks, we plan to enlighten you in how you can save 30 minutes each day, and help you make best-informed decisions to grow your business or organisation.
Below image shows an application where a highly interactive new user interface and workflow are mapped on top of an existing software application securing investments already made.
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