Software Development Metrics and KPI

Software Development Metrics and KPI

Managers that are curious about the performance effects of remote work on their teams may establish certain KPIs. Data points like lines of code, hours spent, and bugs addressed give a false picture of productivity, thus certain KPIs are better than others. These flawed measures are employed to measure the incorrect thing, according to one expert. It's simple to game them. Additionally, they don't offer any genuine or practical information that people or teams can apply to perform better.

To keep your software development projects on schedule without depleting team morale, it's essential to measure the correct KPIs. Give your developers the tools they need to do their jobs well. Here are some reasons your company has to use KPIs:

Why are KPIs important in software development?

Software development uses KPIs to coordinate with corporate goals and objectives. Surveys reveal that 90% of firms still design productive workflows based on gut sense and struggle to put ideas into action, particularly when it comes to tracking and planning for success.

To avoid it, firms should establish precise objectives and superior plans to gauge the software development process's productivity and efficiency KPIs and match them to the calibre of their goals.

Tech leaders should ask themselves the following questions in order to create these KPIs:

  • What results are wanted? What affects the result?
  • Why is the result important to the business?
  • What steps can be taken to evaluate the results?
  • Which tech team is in charge of ensuring that business operations are successful?
  • How frequently will performance, productivity, and progress be evaluated until the intended result is attained?

Use the SMART technique to assess the degree to which KPIs are effectively matched to your software development initiatives. Your KPIs should therefore be:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

By introducing better planning mechanisms and incorporating KPIs at varying levels your organization will be able to:

  • Boost return on investment (ROI), cut costs and overtime, manage tasks optimally, and pinpoint opportunities for improvement;
  • Recognize all procedures, tools, and environments used in the creation of software; Identify ways to improve by identifying inefficiencies, obstacles, and other failure factors;
  • To gauge the efficiency with which its team of developers works to achieve the project's goals, provide concrete measuring tools;
  • Ensure that all goals, both short- and long-term, are accomplished on schedule and within budget;
  • KPIs should be adjusted based on input and tailored to the demands of the project;
  • Create a division between higher-level KPIs for tracking performance goals and lower-level KPIs for concentrating on departmental achievement.

Types of software key performance indicators:

  1. Formal code metrics: These metrics are used to assess the quality of the code and primarily guarantee uniformity among the team's various developers. Lines of Code, Instruction Path Length, Code Complexity, etc. are a few of them.
  2. Productivity metrics: They provide insight into the time and energy developers devote to a project's development. Lead Time, Cycle, and Velocity are some of the most used measures.
  3. Test metrics: The calibre of testing has an impact on the calibre of the final output. How thoroughly the product is tested can be determined using metrics like Code Coverage, Automated Test Percentage, or Production Defects.
  4. Operational metrics: These metrics, which examine the software stability and maintenance effectiveness of the systems, include Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) and Mean Time to Recover (MTTR).
  5. Metrics that assess customer satisfaction with a product or service, such as Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), and Customer Effort Score (CES), are useful to businesses.

The crucial idea is that metrics are functions rather than measurements. Even though these two concepts are sometimes used interchangeably, by establishing a particular metric, you may predict future performance.

Put your development team on the right track with these crucial performance measures.

  1. Lead Time: The Lead Time KPI makes it easier to see patterns and assess how long it takes a team of software developers to turn a concept into a finished product. You can create a Lead Time distribution diagram to get an idea of how long it will take to deliver the assignment from conception to completion.
  2. Lead Time distribution charts are a great tool for enhancing your workflow. Knowing what to aim for and when can help you stabilize?your workflow, increase predictability, and create prospects for your company at the next level.
  3. Cycle length The amount of time it takes for a problem, feature, or task to change from one status to another is known as "cycle time." It can reveal more about the efficiency and output of a team. This KPI has to be divided into different issue categories, such as bug cycle vs. new feature development.
  4. Your project management tool, such as JIRA, will provide you with an estimate of your cycle time based on how long it takes a ticket to move through each phase before being closed. Cycle time may help you identify any bottlenecks, roadblocks, or breaks in your process and can also allow other teams in your business know when they can anticipate your development team to respond to their issue.
  5. Cycle time is calculated using the formula X - Y, where X is the cycle's climax date and Y is its beginning date. By using this method, you can compare cycle times and provide your software development team a better understanding of how much time is spent on certain tasks.
  6. Cumulative?flow For software to be effective, the workflow must be stable. A cumulative flow (CF) diagram shows all the tasks that are underway, completed, and in-progress. It employs a color-coded system to depict how tasks are divided up among the project's many stages, such as "Acknowledged," "Project Approved," "Task in Progress," "Work at the Completion Stage," "Adjustment," "Project Ready," "Tasks Completed," and so on.
  7. Throughput, Cycle Time, and Work in Progress are three essential workflow components that are covered by CF, which enables you to monitor the development team's production and hold them responsible for delivering consistent results.
  8. Flow Efficiency How much time you spend waiting for work to be completed is recorded by flow efficiency. It illustrates the discrepancy between the quantity of work still to be done and the remaining time. This can give you insights on the distribution of work during the waiting periods, allow you to adjust how the project is handled, and help you spot areas of weakness. Additionally, this statistic reveals anything that is not going as expected.
  9. Simply divide the amount of time spent on development by the overall cycle time to get flow efficiency.
  10. sprint burndown Agile scrum uses the metric of sprint burndown, which provides information on "the rate at which work is finished and how much work remains to be done." The y-axis of this graph shows the amount of unfinished work, and the x-axis shows the passage of time. You can tell if your team is keeping to a timetable and whether a project has been properly scoped by monitoring this indicator.
  11. Additionally, it might help you organise your sprints more efficiently by dividing up the work into manageable chunks to prevent burnout on your team.
  12. Velocity You can find out through velocity how much "delivered value" your software engineers produced. According to one developer blog, "Delivered value is often stated as the number of features completed during a timeframe that are ready to ship or ready to test."

Story points or feature tickets are used to monitor velocity, which might help you:

  • Set deadlines for delivery
  • predict reasonable sprints
  • Find out if your team is blocked (falling velocity)
  • Check to see whether altering a method improves results (stable or increased velocity)
  • Look for any obstacles that you neglected to include in your sprint planning.

The average speed of the team must be ascertained in order to calculate the velocity of the software development team. Consider a scenario where a team completes 80 story points in the first sprint, 90 in the second sprint, and 130 in the third.

These three sprints have an average of 100, which predicts the amount of time the team could require to finish the project on average. In a real-world scenario involving software development, if a project calls for 500 narrative points, the team will need five iterations to finish the project's development. Higher velocity, as a general rule, indicates better output and performance from the software development team.

The performance of your software engineers is being hindered if your velocity metric swings drastically from week to week. If your velocity metric deviates from the norm, it may be a warning sign that something is wrong with your process. How can you repair it?

Here are some pointers for measuring velocity:

  • If velocity remains unchanged after several sprints, consider adding more variables to the equation;
  • The average of three sprints is more than adequate to estimate future performance if you want to undertake some forecasting for the forthcoming software development process;
  • Once many jobs are added to or deleted from the computation, the velocity might be determined differently.


Unquestionably, any software can have a breakdown at any point. Two software development measures, Mean Time Between Faults (MTBF) and Mean Time To Repair (MTTR), concentrate primarily on regulating how effectively a software recovers from failures. The average time between failures, or MTBF, is determined by dividing the entire uptime by the total breakdowns.

The average amount of time needed to repair software is known as the MTTR, and it may be computed by dividing total uptime by the total number of faults. The evaluation of the software development team's overall performance and productivity includes the calculation of both measures.

Code churn

Prior to release, the product's stability is crucial. The Code Churn statistic displays the number of lines of code (LOC) that were added, modified, or removed over a specified time frame. It enables businesses to keep tabs on the software engineering lifecycle, the calibre of their employees' work, and, most critically, which phases of development are the most unstable.

To determine whether the code has spikes and to determine which jobs generated the spikes, look for problems in code changes. You may prevent supplying unstable code by doing this.

Code coverage

In the lifespan of software development, code quality is crucial. The software engineering team uses the software development KPI known as "code coverage" to assess test-driven development techniques, assess the overall quality of the code, and count the number of lines of code added while a test is running. It is nearly hard to perform life cycles and evaluate a digital product without this KPI.

Additionally, it aids in mistake detection and clarifies the nature of the debugging process. Use this formula to determine the code coverage: CCP is equal to (A/B)*100, where A is the number of code lines that the testing algorithm executes and B denotes all of the code lines in a system.

Active requests

The number of unanswered requests is shown by open pull requests or open requests. You can detect whether or not your team is collaborating well if it's a pull request. Pull requests are requests sent to the team by one developer for them to assess changes or offer suggestions.

The request stays open if no team member can offer comments, delaying further requests or sprint segments. You may identify bottlenecks in your product delivery process and devote extra time or resources for code review by tracking open pull requests over time, according to one developer blog.


Last but not least, throughput is a measurement of overall output that takes into account the quantity of features, jobs, defects, or duties that have been finished and are prepared for testing and shipping. So that you can understand how consistently your team is working, throughput is measured over a specific time frame (such as a week or month).

If you're focused on eliminating bugs, you should see a good balance of defect tickets getting addressed. If you're focused on features, more feature tickets will be provided than tasks and bugs. To obtain a precise throughput measurement and promote effective software development, consult your tickets.

KPIs for software development are pivotal in the entire programming process because they help managers assess and prioritize objectives and team goals. They can be classified into categories based on the metric’s particular area of focus, and each gives essential insight into the software project’s overall status. It is key for all stakeholders to be well-versed with the various KPIs, their applications, and how they are calculated.

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