Software Design Principles: An In-depth Look with Java Examples
mushtak abdulqadir
Java Backend Developer Spring Boot Application Engineer Microservices Engineer (Java) Full Stack Java Developer
Software design is at the heart of building applications that are easy to maintain, extend, and understand. By following key design principles, developers can write code that not only meets current requirements but is also adaptable to future changes. In this article, we discuss several fundamental software design principles and illustrate each with Java examples. Coordinate these principles in your work to create clean, modular, and robust applications.
1. KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid)
The KISS principle emphasizes that software should be as simple as possible. By writing clear and concise code that focuses on core functionality, developers avoid unnecessary complexity that can lead to errors and maintenance headaches later on.
Example: A Simple Rectangle Class
Consider a class representing a rectangle. Instead of over-engineering the solution, the code is kept straightforward:
In this example, every method and variable is directly related to the rectangle’s core functionality, ensuring clarity and simplicity.
2. DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)
The DRY principle is about reducing repetition in code. By abstracting repeated logic into functions, methods, or classes, you reduce the risk of inconsistencies, simplify updates, and make your code more maintainable.
Example: Avoiding Duplicated Discount Logic
Imagine you have discount calculations scattered throughout your code. Instead, centralize the logic in a single utility method:
This approach ensures that if the discount logic needs to change, it only has to be updated in one place.
3. YAGNI (You Ain't Gonna Need It)
YAGNI is a reminder to avoid adding features or functionality until they are absolutely necessary. This principle helps maintain simplicity and reduces the overhead of unused code.
Example: Keeping Features Minimal
Consider a class that processes orders. Instead of preemptively adding methods for every possible future functionality, focus on what is required today:
By refraining from adding speculative functionality, the code remains lean and easier to maintain.
4. SOLID Principles
SOLID is an acronym for five design principles intended to make software designs more understandable, flexible, and maintainable.
a. Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
Each class should have one, and only one, reason to change. This means every class should have a single responsibility.
Example: Separating Invoice Data from Invoice Processing
Here, the Invoice class only contains data, while the InvoicePrinter handles printing logic.
b. Open/Closed Principle (OCP)
Software entities should be open for extension but closed for modification. In practice, this means you design modules that can have their behavior extended without altering the core code.
Example: Extendable Payment Processing
New payment types can be added by extending the Payment class without changing the PaymentProcessor.
c. Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
Subtypes must be substitutable for their base types. This ensures that derived classes extend the base class without changing its behavior.
Example: Geometric Shapes
The ShapePrinter can work with any subclass of Shape, regardless of their differences.
d. Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
Clients should not be forced to depend on interfaces they do not use. Instead of one large interface, many smaller, client-specific interfaces are preferred.
Example: Segregating Interfaces
Splitting the responsibilities allows classes to implement only the behavior they need.
e. Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)
High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules; both should depend on abstractions. By depending on interfaces rather than concrete implementations, the code becomes more flexible and easier to test.
Example: Notification Service
This design allows swapping out the message service without modifying the Notification class.
5. Principle of Least Surprise
This principle advises designing code that behaves in a way that minimizes confusion for users and developers. Function names, error messages, and behavior should align with common expectations.
Example: Clear Error Messaging
By providing a precise error message, the code adheres to the Principle of Least Surprise.
6. Modularity Principle
A modular design breaks down software into independent, interchangeable modules. This approach simplifies understanding, testing, and maintaining code.
Example: Separating Order and Payment Modules
Each module is focused on its own task, making the overall system easier to develop and evolve.
7. Abstraction Principle
Abstraction involves hiding the complex realistically behind simple interfaces or abstract classes. The goal is to expose only what is necessary for the user.
Example: Abstracting Vehicle Behavior
Here, users interact with the abstract Vehicle type without needing to know the internal details of Car or Motorcycle.
8. Encapsulation Principle
Encapsulation is about bundling data and methods that operate on that data within a class, and restricting direct access to some of the object's components. This protects the internal state and promotes maintainability.
Example: Bank Account Management
In this example, the account's balance is hidden from direct modification, and all operations are performed through well-defined methods.
9. Principle of Least Knowledge (Law of Demeter)
The Principle of Least Knowledge suggests that a module should have limited knowledge about other modules. Each unit should only interact with its direct collaborators to reduce dependencies and improve modularity.
Example: Limiting Class Interactions
This design ensures that the Order class does not rely on details of the Customer class beyond what is needed.
10. Principle of Low Coupling and High Cohesion
Low coupling means minimizing dependencies between modules, while high cohesion means keeping elements within a module closely related to a single task. Together, these principles lead to systems that are both flexible and easier to maintain.
Example: User Service with Dedicated Logger
In this design, the UserService focuses solely on user-related operations while the Logger handles logging, encouraging high cohesion within each class and low coupling between them.
These software design principles serve as guiding beacons for writing robust, maintainable, and scalable code. Whether you’re keeping code simple (KISS), avoiding redundancy (DRY), or ensuring that modules remain flexible and clear (SOLID, Modularity, Encapsulation), these principles are integral to producing quality software. Incorporating them in your programs—not only in isolated examples but also as part of a coordinated effort in larger projects—will help you build systems that stand the test of time.