Million Dollar Question: How to manage software debts of every enterprise?
Adaikalam Alexander Rayappa?
ERP Lead/Software Projects Managing Consultant/Trusted Software Advisor??Senior Consultant for Global/Regional Projects
Million Dollar Question: How to manage software debts of every enterprise?
Millions and Millions of Dollars Spent on Software Debts over the period of years in every enterprise which ever enabled their business by software systems and software applications with infrastructure,software teams.Unwanted software debt usually results in a financial loss for the company, but this is not the only problem.Software debt can lead to other operational issues, such as failures, incorrect calculations, loss of productivity due to dropping performance, security breaches, and ultimately bring the project to a halt.
We spend more and more time “struggling” with software debts . when the debt is really big, adding new features within a reasonable time and budget is impracticable. This situation can bring software development to a halt and, consequently, cause big problems.
Software Debts Management Solutions as a Great Deal for You
Great Deal for Your Software Debts Handling
Great Deal for SME/Medium/Large Enterprises Globally
We can help you to assess your software debts that you carry along long over time in order to accelerate KPI/KRA/ROI of your business . It is a Great Deal . Please contact us asap .
We can help you to have customized solutions to minimize the impacts of your software debts that you carry along long over time in order to accelerate the KPI/KRA/ROI of your business . It is a Great Deal . Please contact us asap .
We can help you to have specific solutions to monitor the impacts of your software debts that you carry along long over time which accelerate the KPI/KRA/ROI of your business . It is a Great Deal . Please contact us asap .
Software debt exists in reality during handling of software systems and applications with every software user (Individual / Enterprise/Institutions/Government) . Every software user is spending knowingly or unknowingly on SOFTWARE DEBTS . Some of us are spending on solutions to minimize the impacts of Software debts . Please contact us for an assessment on your software debts with our customized solution as our effective solution consulting .
Some of Enterprises are aware of debts in handling software application . Some Software debts may be visible during auditing /security reviews . Some Software debt may be visible during project reviews .Some Software debts are visible in day to day application life cycle management processes by CR(Change of Request) or Incident Tickets .
Every Enterprise or Individual is spending time , money for handling software debts mostly nowadays . Every Enterprise or Individual is facing issues like inefficiencies , low performance , low quality etc... . Some of us are unaware of software debts . Software debt exists in reality during handling of software systems and applications . Some of us knows it and takes preventive measure to reduce software debts . Most of us are repeatedly spending on solution on every problems/issues/challenges caused due to software debts .
Software Debts Importance
Since we started creating software, we've been struggling with this software debt problem under other names: software maintenance, software evolution, software aging, code decay, code re engineering, etc.
The term "software debt" therefore refers to a situation where programmers write software that violates good practices related to architecture, code structure, design patterns, standards for creating certain mechanisms, etc.
Why it is called as 'DEBT'?
Interest is accrued on debt, which further increases the liability. The faster we pay off such debt, the lower interest we pay. The situation is similar with software debt.
Please consult as asap .
In this case, interest takes the form of a longer time required to implement the changes. There are various causes for SOFTWARE DEBT . Sometimes it is introduced consciously through the implementation of temporary solutions or due to significant external circumstances. As a rule, however, it is a consequence of business pressure, incorrect design decisions, postponing refactoring indefinitely, updating dependencies or simply the lack of experience of the developer.
We are governed by software systems and applications one way or rather . Most of our activities and tasks are managed by software systems and applications .
It is good to be familiar with the term Software Debt . It is affecting every day life(personal/business) of ours as an Individual or an Enterprise or an Institution or Government.
Software Debts Impacts
There are following kinds of impacts due to software debts which are faced by most of the enterprises that their business run by software systems and applications with infrastructure,teams:
- Financial
- Operational
- Managerial
- Technical
- Functional
- Compliance (Security/Audit)
- & Many more
Software debt costs a team additional development effort. Caused by the decision to write and merge code that is inferior to clean code standards, it may seem easier to implement a quick but short-lived fix at the time, but it has consequences down the road for both your development team and your business.
Software debts have direct effects on following
Reliability – application stability and likelihood of new defects appearing during its modification,
Efficiency – application response time,
Security – the application's ability to prevent unauthorized intrusion,
Portability – the ease with which a new team can understand the application and quickly start working productively on it,
Agility – the ability to easily and quickly modify the application
Software Debts Nature
Some of the software debts are accidental .
Some of the software debts are deliberate .
Some of the software debts are prudent.
Some of the software debts are unintentional.
Causes of Software Debts
Software debts are caused by many factors .
There are many reasons for software debts .
The Reasons for Software Debts are listed below :
- Pressure to complete the project as soon as possible
- Lack of funds
- Lack of understanding of the project and what is required
- Lack of documentation
- Lack of collaboration among team members
- Poor technological leadership
- Last minute changes
- Software application is good but user experience is not good enough. It causes problems.
- & Many more
Sometimes, it’s one of these things that cause software debt. Other times, it’s a combination of two or more. Some of the scenarios of Sofware Debts are given below :
Software Debt Scenario 1
In order to deliver it on time, the functionality is only partially implemented.
Software Debt Scenario 2
In order to deliver it on time, the technical development is done without following best practices or partially following best practices
Software Debt Types
How to manage the Software Debts
We need to follow the steps to manage the software debts to minimize the impacts .
- Assessment of Software Debts
- Identify Solutions
- Built & Deploy Custom Solutions
- Monitor the Software Debts by Solutions
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