Software Architects: Do We Need 'em?
Questions such as this one:
"Can modern agile software development support an individual Architect making important decisions on behalf of teams?" -- @obie
surface the need to reclarify the role of architects when complex systems are being design-evolved in lean and agile contexts.
Agile Means Learning on Multiple Fronts
Agile in various of its flavors, feeding into frequent, if not continuous deployments, can raise the profile/visibility of the team and sense of urgency -- we have, for example, "standups," "backlogs" and "release trains." These make progress, and hold-ups, visible; good, we can coordinate, but visibility can be pressure. We weight early and then frequent delivery to achieve shorter time to value, faster feedback loops. Good stuff.
Still, there is a "but" to get past: it takes strong discipline to keep a handle on code quality; to keep the code from falling into (massing, miring) technical debt. Not because we aren't good at our craft, but because we are learning what our system needs to be and become, and we are learning, upon reflection, if we pause to reflect, how to do things better, now that we know more what the system is becoming and how better to enable that (technically). And what strains the system, threatening its integrity (structure of the code and qualities like adaptability and all that is bundled therein, as well as qualities of the software in operation and use, including resilience, behavior under load and other issues of scaling, security and more).
"[Becoming] involves the transformation of potentialities into actualities" -- David Ray Griffin (via @cyetain)
Learning Means Changing, But Changing Takes Time
Having strong and organizationally-valued technical leadership throughout the project becomes more, not less, important in Agile (at least, beyond some point of organizational and technical complexity). The (structural and mechanism) design has to be continually advanced -- challenges surfaced, alternative approaches identified and evaluated, approaches tried out. This takes attention, so time. Time away from "moving forward." Ostensibly.
And Not Just Time. Experience and Ingenuity.
Software development is by nature development -- it moves the system into new territory. We have to create novel solutions to novel (permutations of) problems -- bringing experience, creativity, research and trying things out, much to bear on finding an approach that will address the challenges that arise. This ability to design, to solve hard problems, make tradeoffs, is a key attribute of the architect. Sure, others on the team have it too, but there's valuable experience that comes of seeing many things done, adding to the capability set to draw on, but also adding to a sense of what is risky, or hard. This helps in evaluating capabilities bundled into technologies we're evaluating for our stack, as well as in strategically sensing and evaluating where to build a capability to differentiate. There is a dimension of ingenuity and technical wisdom, experience and ability to see around corners, as it were, to identify the gotchas before they getcha. But there is also a dimension of organizational wisdom and effectiveness.
A Locus of (Over-arching) Responsibility for the System, as a System
Again, the team is participating in the design, impacting the architecture, making architecture decisions – but if architecture is everyone’s responsibility, then architecture is no-ONE’s responsibility. Someone (with accountability -- and by that mostly I mean they hold themselves to account, managing their attention and responsibility) needs to be attending to the system as a system -- one that exists in the context of other systems, with all of their respective forces and demands.
There's paying attention to the structural integrity of the code when that competes with the urge to deliver value and all we've been able to accomplish in terms of the responsiveness of continuous integration and deployment. We don't intend to let the code devolve as we respond to unfolding demands, but we have to intend not to, and that takes time -- possibly time away from the next increment of user-perceived value.
There's watching for architecturally impactful, structurally and strategically significant decisions, and making sure they get the attention, reflection, expertise they require. Even when the team periodically takes stock, and spends time reflecting learning back into the design/code, the architect’s role is to facilitate, to nurture, the design integrity of the system as a system – as something coherent. Where coherence is about not just fit and function, but system properties. Non-trivial, mutually interacting properties that entail tradeoffs. Moreover, this coherence must be achieved across (microservice, or whatever, focused) teams. Across a lot of code. And then more code!
What It Takes
This takes technical know-how and know-when, and know-who to work with, to bring needed expertise to bear. And it takes technical wisdom, perspicacity, insight into not just consequences of design choices, but watching for design challenges ahead; for impacts across the system invisible to those whose perspective is shaped by working on a locally scoped piece of code (a feature, a service or microservice, anything bounded). Not just "laying down track in front of the train" but getting out ahead enough to scout out the lay of the land and know where we need to put in a bridge (or architectural mechanism) in readiness. (Which, by the way, is why we need to do some upfront architecting -- just enough, which is a judgment call, drawing on experience and a combination of design sense and sensibility, timing and risk awareness.)
Leading as Noticing What's Not Being Done that Needs To Be, and Enabling
Can the team, in a self-organizing way, ensure that architecturally significant decisions get the attention they need? Anything that needs to be done, that is happening organically, or because someone else is leading (perhaps with mentoring), is wonderful, and to be encouraged and facilitated.
The likely thing, though, is that dominant concerns of the day (this feature or microservice, now!) shape perception, which will mean playing catch-up on architectural concerns -- they'll be noticed when they bite hard. And architectural concerns are exactly those you want to anticipate, to the extent possible, given technical and organizational wisdom, experience, context awareness, perspective and imagination. (That is, they are, by nature, cross-cutting, have deep impact and high cost of change, are make-or-break structurally and/or strategically.)
Organizational Effectiveness , Not Just Technical Wisdom
Further, we shouldn't underplay the importance of technical and organizational gravitas, credibility, ability (and willingness, even desire) to lead, to create concert and coherence, pulling towards system integrity, not pulling apart in turf protecting battles. (For example: Want to simplify? Whose pet idea is going to be culled or redesigned? How will that be managed? Different -- competing -- ideas about how to accomplish something? Who makes the call? How? Stuck, because uncertainty and ambiguity in the fog of confounding change? Who's going to create "ground under the feet" by deciding, despite the risk of being "wrong"?
Hard things are hard. Harder when brain cells and emotions get tangled up in them. People are people, people! Leadership is about doing the hard things we aren't doing, that wouldn't be done anyway, as a matter of course because it takes gathering organizational will, determination, concert of minds and hands, to do. It's bigger than a person, or just a couple or three. It competes for attention with other things that are more "obvious" or near term or de facto part of the organizational habit and routine. And it's saying "no," sometimes -- even when it's hard.
"I wasn't the one pushing things in the wrong direction, but I should have been the one to stop it." -- Chad Fowler (around minute 23)
Technical Effectiveness , Not Just Organizational Wisdom
A team, and even more, team-of-teams, benefits much from a technical leader who deeply understands the technical ramifications and is advocating for the team and helping to shape the context (get resources, protect from political pressure, etc., but also do architectural investigations and design ahead of it becoming a trainwreck for the project, etc.) so the team can do great work, create a system with integrity -- structural and design integrity, but in the ethical sense too. Overly rigid dominance hierarchies that weren't a good fit for agility have left antibodies, but if we overcorrect in the direction of not valuing wisdom and foresight, experience, focus, context awareness, system-level problem finding-solving, ..., and leadership, other problems mount... But leadership in organizations is fractal, and fluidly, dynamically forming and reforming. Further, the architect (by title or simply by responsibility) leads where that is needed -- including leading by the example of following well or stepping out of the way.
What we are paying attention to, shapes what we perceive and pay attention to.
Enterprise/Solution Architect: Integration, Governance, Digital Transformation, Services, Security
6 年IMHO, the question at the beninning of the article is INCORRECT. The "modern agile software development " is presented by SAFe, the Agile Methodology itself by the book works only for very small projects. SAFe works at the enterprise level and at the Team level and all "important decisions" are made by the Delivery Train Architects and Solution Architects. However, they work above and across the Teams, not on behalf of the Team. Why is this so and why is this right? - Becuase the Development Team does not make architectural decisions [it does not have enough information, involvement in the business strategy and does not have appropriet qualification] - it makes architecture implementation design decisions in line with architectural solutions coming from the Solution Architects. [Conveyers of car assembly do not design cars] This is the only realistic and easonable business view on the business and IT operates in such environment as a business capability resource. Unfortunately, any other view on the role of Agile developement is a nothing but a marketiung buzz and unjustified technology dreams.
Software Architect and Technology Evangelist
7 年"Overly rigid dominance hierarchies that weren't a good fit for agility have left antibodies, but if we overcorrect in the direction of not valuing wisdom and foresight, experience, focus, context awareness, system-level problem finding-solving, ..., and leadership, other problems mount..."...5+ years into Agile project team might find velocity slowing down\grinding due to constant refactoring, if someone has not been evaluating the product\project\backlog as a whole. Agile does require allowing isolated pieces (or maybe more appropriately component internals) to be designed more by individual developers (and that is probably good), while connecting components becomes more focus of architecture. As long as, isolated pieces are held to standards through static analysis and peer reviews, the product\project\backlog as a whole can evolve with less impedance.
Sadly, the only ones who are going to make this an "Issue" are the millenials. If anyone or any company judges my 'Ability to adapt' by the basis of an email account, I am NOT going to work for that company. Drain the swamp??
Customer Engineer @ Google | Cloud Adoption Specialist, Open Source Enthusiast
7 年Excellent article and tree shaker. In my humble opinion, for every action, planning ahead and wise with excellence lays out a true roadmap for success. In the modern world of digital transformation those who don't plan ahead or do but without the benefit from technical expertise, and then execute will at least need to learn more from their own mistakes to improve their process. Having an Architect to consult with is like enriching the potential mistakes BEFORE they happen and therefore the roadmap length is at least heavily shortened out, allowing them to achieve faster and be ahead of the competition. That's my two cents on the subject.
Great article! I am amused by companies that get into a DevOps transformation and think that they no longer need architects.