The softer side of leadership
Christine Steyn
Professional coach | Stress Transformation Specialist | Trauma Debriefer | Conversation specialist
What is being expected from servant leaders? They are expected to bring a message of hope to those in need, to uplift the despondent, set the captives free and spread a message of hope and freedom. But for what purpose?
The purpose of servant leadership is to:
- inspire people to be empowered to complete instructions,
- uplift those who need it with messages of hope and inspiration,
- uplift those who are down and out,
- release those who are stuck in victim mentality,
- keep people accountable for their actions,
- give people a purpose to strive to,
- remind those who follow them to keep their eyes on the greater picture, and to
- be the example that their followers can strive to be when things get tough.