Soft skills are more important than ever
It won’t come as a surprise to many that a recent LinkedIn Learning survey found that 9 out of 10 global executives believe mission-critical soft skills are more important than ever. But those soft skills don’t always come naturally.
“Talent development professionals and executives can help employees stay agile in this new world of work by continuing to help employees build mission-critical soft skills,” says author Dan Brodnitz , LinkedIn Learning’s Global Head of Talent Strategy.
Within the top 10 most in-demand skills for professionals listed in LinkedIn’s latest global inventory are Leadership skills, Communications, Management, and Teamwork, with the “Top skill of the moment” listed as Adaptability.
If you have employees who could benefit from training on these core soft skills and more, consider sending them to Learning Circles - online training that brings together a group of leaders via Zoom on a 6-week journey of learning and networking. Modules are 75 minutes long, highly interactive, and offer practical tools and models you can apply immediately. Early Bird rates are available until April 1st, making this training among the most affordable in the market.
Marla Konrad is an executive coach, trainer and facilitator based in Ontario, Canada. Her passion is seeing leaders and teams grow in impact and self-awareness. She is the co-founder of Learning Circles, and trains on key leadership issues such as communications, emotional intelligence and adaptability in complex times. She is certified to coach and train with EQ-i2.0 (Emotional Intelligence) and the Integrative Enneagram. Visit her at