Soft Skills for Business - Coming Soon!
Debbie Connors
HR Director / Coach / Writer: Special interests - Wellbeing, Employee Engagement, Empowering Women, Behaviour & Communication, Progressive & Adaptive HR
What if the majority of people at work had the opportunity to learn soft skills for business? By that, I mean skills that encouraged healthy work based practices and behaviours, that built confidence and resilience and helped people deal effectively with workplace challenges - all of which feed into maintaining individual and collective health and wellbeing.
Few businesses offer core soft skills training to all - most often training is determined based on role and seniority. And when it comes to wellbeing, it's piecemeal at best with the offering of an employee helpline, gym membership, a fresh fruit bowl or other scattered initiatives. Well intentioned but not very joined up. None of which really addresses how people feel on the inside and show up on the outside, nor is it measurable in the long term. Moreover, the wellness agenda is generally driven by HR or management which takes a lot of time and effort and prone to falling by the wayside.
For learning and change to be effective, it takes time - a bit like school, you don't turn up for a few days and expect to come away knowing all about maths. Organisations would do well to develop a culture of learning that bridges the gap between traditional education and that needed for business. Businesses are now operating in a continuously changing, disruptive environment where people need to have the skills and ability to be agile and flexible in their approach. Similarly, it's counterproductive, insane even, to be offering wellbeing initiatives and then have poorly skilled managers causing low staff morale. Development of people has to be an integrated holistic approach that combines in a way to develop and support the whole person. This is rare, until now.
At HR School, we are soon to launch a learning membership community that is designed to drip feed learning and development that works from the inside out. It will deliver weekly materials that focuses on 3 core areas. It addresses whole person centred learning and deals with the practical challenges of modern day living and working. Times have changed - people don't just bring themselves to work, they bring their lives to work, therefore, dealing with the complete person, along with the challenges of hybrid working, is key.
Competition for talent is fierce and retaining employees is a headache for employers. We know from the research that the younger generation value training, development and regular feedback whilst many others just want to have the opportunity to grow and develop in their careers. Continuous learning and bringing people together to learn is a very social and healthy activity that has the potential to stretch people beyond what they think they can do.
To this end, I am super excited to be launching this portal - it will be available to individuals who are vested in their own learning as well as businesses that want to fulfil the needs of their people - to grow, progress and be well. If you're interested to explore this further, do get in touch - email me at [email protected]. More info to follow - watch this space!
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